Tweet 04/09/2015 09:10 AM Everyone passed with flying colours! #OldBromsgrovians… 0 0 2015 04/09/2015
Tweet 04/09/2015 09:26 AM Welcome to day 2 of International Induction. We hope everyone has an enjoyable day. 0 0 2015 04/09/2015
Tweet 04/09/2015 09:37 AM Whilst our new pupils have a welcome talk, student helpers & parents are waiting patiently in the LRC. #IntlInduction 0 0 2015 04/09/2015
Tweet 04/09/2015 10:09 AM Today the @WestMerciaPCC are with us for #IntlInduction, checking passports and visas for our new students. 0 0 2015 04/09/2015
Tweet 04/09/2015 01:58 PM Students are in the LRC for a talk on all aspects of school life such as music, drama & activities. #IntlInduction 0 0 2015 04/09/2015
Tweet 04/09/2015 04:51 PM RT @HolroydHowe: Central Theatre Island coming together @BromsSchool. It's all very exciting. 0 0 2015 04/09/2015
Tweet 04/09/2015 05:14 PM RT @rharte31: "@HolroydHowe: Central Theatre Island coming together @BromsSchool. It's all very exciting. " 0 0 2015 04/09/2015
Tweet 04/09/2015 06:38 PM RT @designabda: @HolroydHowe @BromsSchool tops now fixed in place and heated gantries up and running #completionlaterthisevening http://t.c… 0 0 2015 04/09/2015
Tweet 04/09/2015 06:39 PM Looking very smart @designabda! #NewDining… 0 0 2015 04/09/2015
Tweet 04/09/2015 06:39 PM RT @designabda: @HolroydHowe @BromsSchool theatre cook unit in place and running #fitslikeaglove 0 0 2015 04/09/2015
Tweet 04/09/2015 08:09 PM RT @RellisRoger: @designabda @HolroydHowe @BromsSchool looking great guys! 0 0 2015 04/09/2015
Tweet 05/09/2015 09:26 PM We hope you enjoyed your swim @AleshiaHardingx… 0 0 2015 05/09/2015
Tweet 06/09/2015 11:04 AM Great! Enjoy it @AleshiaHardingx… 0 0 2015 06/09/2015
Tweet 06/09/2015 11:05 AM RT @DamianBlake4: Let's get this show on the road! @BromsSchool #allset 0 0 2015 06/09/2015
Tweet 06/09/2015 11:05 AM Good luck today @damianblake4 @holroydhowe #1stService #NewDining… 0 0 2015 06/09/2015
Tweet 07/09/2015 07:30 AM Welcome back to all of our pupils and staff for the start of the Michaelmas term. 0 0 2015 07/09/2015
Tweet 07/09/2015 07:32 AM Thank you @JBouffe #NewDining… 0 0 2015 07/09/2015
Tweet 07/09/2015 07:33 AM This looks great @davedouble_1984. Let us know what the feedback is! #NewDining #NewTerm… 0 0 2015 07/09/2015
Tweet 07/09/2015 07:33 AM RT @davedouble_1984: Daily juice station @BromsSchool @RellisRoger 0 0 2015 07/09/2015
Tweet 07/09/2015 07:56 AM Great to hear that our new pupils enjoyed their bowling trip over the weekend, as part of International Induction. 0 0 2015 07/09/2015
Tweet 07/09/2015 07:57 AM Thank you @PurvisKevin - and best wishes to Sebastian! #NewTerm… 0 0 2015 07/09/2015
Tweet 07/09/2015 08:24 AM Breakfast service this morning in the new dining hall @HolroydHowe #NewDining #NewTerm 0 0 2015 07/09/2015
Tweet 07/09/2015 08:56 AM RT @HolroydHowe: @BromsSchool new servery completed by ABDA went live this morning, great mobilisation by our freinds at @HolroydHowe http:… 0 0 2015 07/09/2015
Tweet 07/09/2015 09:42 AM Students getting ready for the first Routh Assembly of the Michaelmas term. #NewTerm 0 0 2015 07/09/2015
Tweet 07/09/2015 09:54 AM A full house for the first Routh Assembly of the new term. 0 0 2015 07/09/2015
Tweet 07/09/2015 12:39 PM RT @SchofieldPhoebe: Can't wait to play the OB @BromsSchool hockey match...bringing back the entire Schofield mob! 0 0 2015 07/09/2015
Tweet 07/09/2015 12:39 PM @SchofieldPhoebe Good luck Phoebe, it should be a great match! 0 0 2015 07/09/2015
Tweet 07/09/2015 12:41 PM @SchofieldPhoebe we'll find out from Mr Langlands and let you know 0 0 2015 07/09/2015
Tweet 07/09/2015 01:06 PM A busy but successful first lunchtime service in the brand new dining hall. 0 0 2015 07/09/2015
Tweet 07/09/2015 06:02 PM How was your first day at #BromsgroveSchool? Let us know by tweeting us with the hashtag #MyFirstDay 0 0 2015 07/09/2015
Tweet 07/09/2015 06:02 PM RT @worcs_wg: @BromyardCC @BromsSchool LAST CALL! nominations for 2016 Worcestershire CAG girls trials. 20th & 27th of September e: jason.… 0 0 2015 07/09/2015
Tweet 07/09/2015 06:02 PM RT @FifteenRugbyXV: Will @BromsSchool beat @warwickschool on Saturday? Vote at @SchoolsCup winners v 2 lots of U15 N… 0 0 2015 07/09/2015
Tweet 07/09/2015 07:02 PM RT @FifteenRugbyXV: This week’s prediction competition games include: @AmpleforthSport v @GSALRugbyXV & @BromsSchool v @warwickschool http:… 0 0 2015 07/09/2015
Tweet 07/09/2015 07:03 PM RT @designabda: Great to see the new servery up and running… 0 0 2015 07/09/2015