Tweet 12/08/2015 07:13 PM #BromsResults Are you getting your results tomorrow? Tweet us a photo wherever you are in the world! Use hashtag #MyBromsResults 0 0 2015 12/08/2015
Tweet 13/08/2015 05:18 AM #BromsResults Details of how you can access #Alevel #ResultsDay information is available at 0 0 2015 13/08/2015
Tweet 13/08/2015 05:20 AM #BromsResults Good luck to everyone collecting their #Alevel and #AS results today. #ResultsDay 0 0 2015 13/08/2015
Tweet 13/08/2015 09:06 AM RT @Hunts_CB: Decent performance by @Hunts_CB u14s @BromsSchool Tour: 2 wins/2 defeats inc. against a much older Isle of Man side http://t.… 0 0 2015 13/08/2015
Tweet 13/08/2015 09:08 AM #BromsResults Don't forget to send us your #ResultsDay photos wherever you are in the world! Use the hashtag #MyBromsResults 0 0 2015 13/08/2015
Tweet 13/08/2015 09:09 AM #BromsCricket Well done @Hunts_CB. We hope everyone enjoyed their time with us at #BromsgroveSchool. 0 0 2015 13/08/2015
Tweet 13/08/2015 10:13 AM Well done to our students - even with tougher national standards still maintained our 85% A*-B average #bromsschoolresults 0 0 2015 13/08/2015
Tweet 13/08/2015 10:22 AM Thank you @alex1996_g. Best wishes for the future.… 0 0 2015 13/08/2015
Tweet 13/08/2015 10:23 AM Congratulations @MollyGretton3. Good luck for the future! #MyBromsResults #BromsResults… 0 0 2015 13/08/2015
Tweet 13/08/2015 10:26 AM Well done @AliceShinner. Which uni will you be going to? #BromsResults #MyBromsResults 0 0 2015 13/08/2015
Tweet 13/08/2015 10:33 AM Congratulations @AliceShinner. Do keep in touch and let us know what you're up to. #BromsResults #OldBromsgrovian… 0 0 2015 13/08/2015
Tweet 13/08/2015 10:45 AM RT @fredrobbins07: @AliceShinner @BromsSchool what a superstar she is! 🎓🎉🙈🙌🏼 0 0 2015 13/08/2015
Tweet 13/08/2015 10:51 AM Huge congrats @hwhitakeeeer. We are so pleased for you.Keep in touch. #MyBromsResults #BromsResults #OldBromsgrovian… 0 0 2015 13/08/2015
Tweet 13/08/2015 10:51 AM RT @hwhitakeeeer: Can't thank @BromsSchool enough for helping me achieve AAA!!! #bromsgrovian 🎓 0 0 2015 13/08/2015
Tweet 13/08/2015 10:53 AM Well done @evefeenan! Enjoy your celebrations today. #MyBromsResults #BromsResults #OldBromsgrovian… 0 0 2015 13/08/2015
Tweet 13/08/2015 11:27 AM A great photo @izzyrichards! Huge congratulations - enjoy your celebrations in #Adelaide! #MyBromsResults… 0 0 2015 13/08/2015
Tweet 13/08/2015 11:32 AM Keep sending those #MyBromsResults selfies to us wherever you are in the world. #ResultsDay #BromsResults 0 0 2015 13/08/2015
Tweet 13/08/2015 11:40 AM RT @WhichuniUK: #UCASClearing tip: Read the course description carefully before calling a uni. Why do you want to study there?… 0 0 2015 13/08/2015
Tweet 13/08/2015 11:40 AM RT @AliceShinner: massive thankyou to @econplusdal and @Keysonomics couldn't have done it without you both!! 🎉🎓 0 0 2015 13/08/2015
Tweet 13/08/2015 11:48 AM RT @DebatingMatters: Good luck to everyone collecting their A Level results today! Let us know how you get on and remember to stay in touc… 0 0 2015 13/08/2015
Tweet 13/08/2015 12:16 PM RT @BSAboarding: Results now online for @Stonyhurst @kentcollegehm @BromsSchool @ShiplakeCollege @ShiplakeHM… 0 0 2015 13/08/2015
Tweet 13/08/2015 04:53 PM RT @BSAboarding: More great #alevelresults now online @TheRoyalSchool @DauntseysSchool @LewestonSchool @BromsSchool @STMShaftesbury http://… 0 0 2015 13/08/2015
Tweet 14/08/2015 09:30 AM The final @LEAR_Inc rehearsal is underway in the drama studio. We can't wait until you're on the road to @edfringe. Good luck! #BromsDrama 0 0 2015 14/08/2015
Tweet 14/08/2015 12:39 PM RT @Hunts_CB: The @Hunts_CB U14s trying desperately to smile for the formal picture @BromsSchool this week! 0 0 2015 14/08/2015
Tweet 15/08/2015 09:26 AM Good luck everyone! @LEAR_Inc #RoadToEdinburgh #BromsDrama… 0 0 2015 15/08/2015
Tweet 15/08/2015 09:26 AM RT @FeathersBen: Today's the day @LEAR_Inc @BromsSchool #OffToEdinburgh 0 0 2015 15/08/2015
Tweet 15/08/2015 09:13 PM RT @LEAR_Inc: Edinburgh - we are in love with you already! #edfringe2015 #edinburghcastle 0 0 2015 15/08/2015
Tweet 15/08/2015 09:14 PM We hope everything is going well @LEAR_Inc. Good luck for Monday. #BromsDrama #EdFringe… 0 0 2015 15/08/2015
Tweet 16/08/2015 01:39 PM Fab photo @Chashstar! Thanks for sharing it with us. #BromsMoments… 0 0 2015 16/08/2015
Tweet 16/08/2015 01:39 PM RT @Chashstar: What a beautiful morning @BromsSchool looking fabulous! 0 0 2015 16/08/2015
Tweet 17/08/2015 08:15 AM #BromsDrama Today's the day for @LEAR_Inc's first performance @edfringe. Good luck! Tickets still available: 0 0 2015 17/08/2015
Tweet 17/08/2015 08:19 AM #BromsResults Don't forget you can check our website for information about collecting #GCSE results: 0 0 2015 17/08/2015
Tweet 17/08/2015 12:35 PM #BromsDrama A final sneak peek of @LEAR_Inc before they head to @theSpaceUK @edfringe for their first performance. 0 0 2015 17/08/2015
Tweet 17/08/2015 01:15 PM RT @LEAR_Inc: Two hour until our first show and we're terrorising the masses on the Royal Mile! #edfringe #lear_inc #thespaceuk… 0 0 2015 17/08/2015
Tweet 17/08/2015 01:16 PM RT @LEAR_Inc: Come not between the dragon and her wrath! Performing excerpts from @LEAR_Inc edfringe @thespaceuk on… 0 0 2015 17/08/2015
Tweet 17/08/2015 04:30 PM #BromsDrama How did your first performance @edfringe go @LEAR_Inc? Best wishes for the rest of the week. Tickets: 0 0 2015 17/08/2015