Tweet 27/03/2015 07:44 AM As is tradition at Pre-Prep the PA have organised an #Easter Egg Hunt around the grounds - possibility of a visit from the Easter Bunny too? 0 0 2015 27/03/2015
Tweet 27/03/2015 07:45 AM We wish the Civilian Gold DofE pupils a safe trip to the Lake District, and also to the Prep School departing on their ski trip this morning 0 0 2015 27/03/2015
Tweet 27/03/2015 08:10 AM I added a video to a @YouTube playlist Bromsgrove celebrating at Twickenham with their 'Haka' cry, 25th March 0 0 2015 27/03/2015
Tweet 27/03/2015 08:10 AM Bromsgrove celebrating at Twickenham with their 'Haka' cry, 25th March 2015: via @YouTube 0 0 2015 27/03/2015
Tweet 27/03/2015 12:53 PM RT @robc306: @BromsSchool Many,many congratulations on winning the Under18's Schools Cup this week & helping to get us on the map. http://t… 0 0 2015 27/03/2015
Tweet 27/03/2015 12:55 PM Thanks for posting the article @robc306 - were you able to watch some the match on the live stream? #SchoolsCupWinners #BromsgroveWinners 0 0 2015 27/03/2015
Tweet 27/03/2015 12:56 PM IB historians treated to WWI prudction. READ MORE: 0 0 2015 27/03/2015
Tweet 27/03/2015 01:10 PM Prep #Easter Bake-Off goes down a treat! Well done to all entrants. Now to eat some cake.... 0 0 2015 27/03/2015
Tweet 27/03/2015 01:35 PM We hope the Gold DofE pupils enjoy the rest of today with you @badgeradventurz. 0 0 2015 27/03/2015
Tweet 27/03/2015 06:02 PM RT @EnglandRugby: Watch highlights of @BromsSchool's 30-18 victory over @DulwichCollege in the @schoolscup U18 Cup final… 0 0 2015 27/03/2015
Tweet 27/03/2015 06:38 PM Thank you @canterburynz - we're extremely proud of the team and coaches #HardWorkAlwaysPaysOff #Dedication 0 0 2015 27/03/2015
Tweet 27/03/2015 06:38 PM RT @canterburyNZ: Massive well done to @BromsSchool #CommittedToTheGame “@EnglandRugby: @schoolscup U18 Cup final…” 0 0 2015 27/03/2015
Tweet 27/03/2015 07:18 PM Wishing all of our pupils, staff and friends of the School a safe and enjoyable Easter break. 0 0 2015 27/03/2015
Tweet 27/03/2015 07:33 PM We hope you have a great time @sowetokinch.Are you there for work? #OB RT "In Montpellier & giant size mural of moi! ” 0 0 2015 27/03/2015
Tweet 27/03/2015 07:35 PM Well done girls from @Dyffrynamanpe. We hope you enjoyed @RPNS7. #BromsgroveSchool were there earlier this week too. 0 0 2015 27/03/2015
Tweet 27/03/2015 07:37 PM Congratulations @UOGWRFC on your win at #Twickenham. Great to see women's rugby at the forefront @StudentsRFU 0 0 2015 27/03/2015
Tweet 27/03/2015 07:39 PM Congrats @WPackwood, but hope you're feeling ok? #OB MT "Feeling groggy but I'm okay. The lads were top class and glad to get my first goal" 0 0 2015 27/03/2015
Tweet 27/03/2015 07:46 PM RT @BBCNews: Sealed tomb of King Richard III is unveiled in Leicester Cathedral 0 0 2015 27/03/2015
Tweet 27/03/2015 07:48 PM We hope our pupil historians have been following this MT "@BBCNews Richard III tomb unveiled ” 0 0 2015 27/03/2015
Tweet 27/03/2015 07:53 PM RT @sophie_ellis_: SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT: This Sunday I'm interviewing the LEGENDARY @sowetokinch live on @WandsworthRadio! Tweet any Qs! ht… 0 0 2015 27/03/2015
Tweet 27/03/2015 07:53 PM One of our #OldBromsgrovians... RT "@sophie_ellis_ interviewing the LEGENDARY @sowetokinch live on @WandsworthRadio! ” 0 0 2015 27/03/2015
Tweet 27/03/2015 07:58 PM RT @thegoatman5: Honoured to make my 200th for @QuinsRugbyUnion tomorrow @wembleystadium #IncredibleJourney thanks for your support! http:/… 0 0 2015 27/03/2015
Tweet 27/03/2015 07:58 PM Best wishes for tomorrow's game @thegoatman5 @QuinsRugbyUnion @wembleystadium #OldBromsgrovian 0 0 2015 27/03/2015
Tweet 27/03/2015 08:06 PM RT @LEAR_Inc: Remembering our first full run-through of LEAR Inc. way back in September... Love this routine! 0 0 2015 27/03/2015
Tweet 27/03/2015 08:07 PM We look forward to following your progress @LEAR_Inc RT: 150 Days till we head off on our travels #Bringonsummer” 0 0 2015 27/03/2015
Tweet 27/03/2015 08:08 PM RT @OliviaWormald: Can't describe how excited I am to be going to the Fringe 2015 with @LEAR_Inc we need as much publicity as we can get.. … 0 0 2015 27/03/2015
Tweet 27/03/2015 08:08 PM RT @bbcweather: Clocks spring FORWARD on Saturday night! So.. Nightshifters- 1hr LESS at work DayWorkers- 1hr LESS in bed Parents- kids sti… 0 0 2015 27/03/2015
Tweet 27/03/2015 08:16 PM RT @UN: Saturday: Celebrate @EarthHour - turn off the lights at 8.30pm; draw attention to #action2015… 0 0 2015 27/03/2015
Tweet 27/03/2015 08:18 PM Thank you @BoarsCricket RT: "Amazing performance by @BromsSchool !…" 0 0 2015 27/03/2015
Tweet 27/03/2015 08:18 PM RT @nunners42: .@BromsSchool #2015u18champions former pupil @mattmullan leading out @WaspsRugby !!! 0 0 2015 27/03/2015
Tweet 27/03/2015 10:02 PM RT @BromStandard: SPORT - Bromsgrove School's Under 18 rugby team makes history by winning national crown 0 0 2015 27/03/2015
Tweet 28/03/2015 08:26 AM Thank you. We hope you were able to catch some of the highlights from the match. RT "@nellaxof: fantastic will done” 0 0 2015 28/03/2015
Tweet 28/03/2015 08:29 AM RT @BromStandard: SPORT - Bromsgrove School's Director of Rugby Tony Windo hails his Under 18 side's heroics - 0 0 2015 28/03/2015
Tweet 28/03/2015 12:27 PM RT @JJSwimAcademy: Heading over to @BromsSchool for a freestyle master class session with the junior swimmers. Looking forward to some fast… 0 0 2015 28/03/2015