Tweet 25/03/2015 07:34 PM Thank you @TouchDRFC, we're very proud! #TheTrophyIsComingHome #SchoolsCupChampions 0 0 2015 25/03/2015
Tweet 25/03/2015 07:36 PM RT @TouchDRFC: @BromsSchool as well you should be! An immense achievement, many many congratulations to you all. 0 0 2015 25/03/2015
Tweet 25/03/2015 07:38 PM RT @DRoj: Hello from twickenham! Awesome day commentating on the @SchoolsCup finals. Brilliant standard of Rugby Union… 0 0 2015 25/03/2015
Tweet 25/03/2015 07:43 PM RT @NickElonex: Congrats Bromsgrove school winning u18 schools cup at #Twickenham @BromsSchool @ElonexOutdoor please do congrats ads http:/… 0 0 2015 25/03/2015
Tweet 25/03/2015 07:44 PM Thank you so much for your fantastic support @NickElonex @ElonexOutdoor. Banners on motorway were fab today! 0 0 2015 25/03/2015
Tweet 25/03/2015 08:00 PM RT @oldwheatleyans: CONGRATULATIONS to @BromsSchool for winning the #NatWestCup ! Awesome performance ! Enjoy the evening, from all at the… 0 0 2015 25/03/2015
Tweet 25/03/2015 08:00 PM RT @6bucko: @BromsSchool @GlosRugby_Acad congrats bromsgrove and academy lads involved today , hell of a shift put in by both sides #Cham… 0 0 2015 25/03/2015
Tweet 25/03/2015 08:00 PM RT @stellahuxley: @NickElonex @BromsSchool Such a fab result. @ElonexOutdoor The boys are real stars 🏈🏆! 0 0 2015 25/03/2015
Tweet 25/03/2015 08:04 PM Thank you so much @athom01. The local #Bromsgrove and #Worcestershire support has been fantastic. Overwhelmed with messages of congrats! 0 0 2015 25/03/2015
Tweet 25/03/2015 08:05 PM RT @thegoatman5: Well done @BromsSchool on your fantastic triumph!!!! #NeverInDoubt #Champs 🏆😎 0 0 2015 25/03/2015
Tweet 25/03/2015 08:06 PM Thank you for your support @thegoatman5, we're very proud of the team. Big celebrations tonight and back in Bromsgrove tomorrow! 0 0 2015 25/03/2015
Tweet 25/03/2015 08:13 PM Amazing #OB support, thank you! RT "@GuyThompson87: Great news that @BromsSchool won at twickenham. Big achievement for great school" 0 0 2015 25/03/2015
Tweet 25/03/2015 08:15 PM Thanks @mattmullan for taking the time out to support #BromsgroveSchool #TheTrophyIsComingHome #SchoolsCupChampions 0 0 2015 25/03/2015
Tweet 25/03/2015 08:17 PM @mattmullan Of Course! Special mention to the coaches indeed! Mr Windo and Mr Mullan as well as rest of back room staff have been amazing! 0 0 2015 25/03/2015
Tweet 25/03/2015 08:17 PM RT @stuwatkins2010: @BromsSchool were impressive in their win over @DulwichCollege today - congrats on being #NatWestCup champions! http://… 0 0 2015 25/03/2015
Tweet 25/03/2015 08:18 PM Thank you Alcester @ags_pe. I think it'll sink in tomorrow what an achievement it is for everyone! 0 0 2015 25/03/2015
Tweet 25/03/2015 08:18 PM RT @GreenRoomSports: @mattmullan @BromsSchool Superb effort and result, pass my best on to "the coaches" top blokes. 0 0 2015 25/03/2015
Tweet 25/03/2015 08:22 PM Thank you @stuwatkins2010, we hope you enjoyed watching the game. Were you at #Twickenham or did you watch via live link? 0 0 2015 25/03/2015
Tweet 25/03/2015 08:26 PM Great to have so many #OldBromsgrovians supporting the School @AliceeCJ, thank you! Did you watch via live link or were you at #Twickenham? 0 0 2015 25/03/2015
Tweet 25/03/2015 08:26 PM RT @AliceeCJ: Congratulations to @BromsSchool on their big win today in the Natwest Schools Cup! 🏉🎺👏🎊🎉 #ProudAlumni #SchoolsCupChampions 0 0 2015 25/03/2015
Tweet 25/03/2015 08:33 PM Thank you Charles. RT "@89Cjones: Congratulations @BromsSchool on the result today #SchoolsCupChampions 👍 ” 0 0 2015 25/03/2015
Tweet 25/03/2015 08:47 PM RT @Peter_Warner: They beat Stamford, Oundle and Dulwich in consecutive matches. Congrats @BromsSchool, very worthy winners #NatWestCup @Fi… 0 0 2015 25/03/2015
Tweet 25/03/2015 08:49 PM Thank you. Hope you were able to watch the match @WiliamWilliams? RT "@BromsSchool #WINNING #Superb #WellDone" 0 0 2015 25/03/2015
Tweet 25/03/2015 08:51 PM RT @DRoj: @BromsSchool @SchoolsCup congratulations on your victory! The entire school must be over the moon! Well done, everyone 0 0 2015 25/03/2015
Tweet 25/03/2015 08:51 PM RT @yoursportpages: @BromsSchool crowned NatWest U18s #rugby champions… @NorthMidsRFU 0 0 2015 25/03/2015
Tweet 25/03/2015 08:54 PM RT @FifteenRugbyXV: @Peter_Warner @BromsSchool very, outstanding side 0 0 2015 25/03/2015
Tweet 25/03/2015 09:00 PM Glad you enjoyed it! RT "@SashJohnston: Twickenham was amazing, well done bromsgrove" 0 0 2015 25/03/2015
Tweet 25/03/2015 09:01 PM Hi @DanKitchin @TomW_93 The link to watch the match back is on our website: 0 0 2015 25/03/2015
Tweet 25/03/2015 09:03 PM RT "@tim_yeh: Bromsgrove won!!!! 🎉🎉🎉 #NatWestFinals #BromsgroveatTwickenham ” 0 0 2015 25/03/2015
Tweet 25/03/2015 09:04 PM RT "@matt_bubb: Massive shout out to the boys Natwest champions! @lukekwhite Xavi, that kick!Tibbo, Clegg, Paolo & the Edwards brothers" 0 0 2015 25/03/2015
Tweet 25/03/2015 09:05 PM RT @mrsmousse: @BromsSchool 30-18 @dulwichrugby . Congrats to Bromsgrove who are the 2015 NatWest Cup u18 Winners!!" Well done Bromsgrove,… 0 0 2015 25/03/2015