Tweet 15/05/2019 12:38 PM The grounds are looking superb for cricket today 🏏 #BromsSport #BromsCricket #SummerTerm #SchoolSport 0 0 2019 15/05/2019
Tweet 15/05/2019 12:57 PM If you missed the Years 3-5 Orchestral Concert in Routh yesterday afternoon, you can now watch the full performances on our YouTube Channel: #BromsMusic #BromsConcerts #BromsOrchestra … 0 0 2019 15/05/2019
Tweet 15/05/2019 02:43 PM RT @BromsFood: Today’s lovely cricket lunch and parents’ teas as we welcome @HomeOfCricket @BromsCricket @BromsEvents @BromsFood @BromsCate… 0 0 2019 15/05/2019
Tweet 15/05/2019 02:43 PM Year 4 are enjoying the weather today, making fraction walls, angle eaters and repeating patterns out of natural resources. #BromsYr4 #BromsMaths #OutdoorLearning 0 0 2019 15/05/2019
Tweet 15/05/2019 02:46 PM Year 4 have been thinking about the choices they make choices and how to support their peers' choices. They were lucky enough to have a fantastic presentation by Dr Ruben about #vegetarianism, the pu… 0 0 2019 15/05/2019
Tweet 15/05/2019 04:02 PM Our U10s enjoying a post rounders match game of ‘Splat’ with @HallfieldSchool 👉😃 0 0 2019 15/05/2019
Tweet 15/05/2019 07:42 PM Huge congratulations to the @BromsPrepSport U10A boys’ cricket team on winning the @rgsthegrange festival today 🏏 #BromsSport #BromsCricket #SchoolSport 0 0 2019 15/05/2019
Tweet 15/05/2019 07:49 PM RT @BromsPrepSport: We are so proud of this team 🏆🥇Well done boys! #BromsCricket… 0 0 2019 15/05/2019
Tweet 17/05/2019 08:43 AM RT @BromsDeputyPrep: Fabulous night for Bromsgrove Prep cricketers at WCC awards. Lucas I won coaches player of the year and Seth R Most V… 0 0 2019 17/05/2019
Tweet 17/05/2019 08:43 AM RT @chopkins95: Cake, cake, & cake! Ready for @BromsPrep 0 0 2019 17/05/2019
Tweet 17/05/2019 08:43 AM RT @sillingworth7: Hard work pays off @BromsPrep @BromsPrepHead #wishihadtriedharderatschool #Rewards 0 0 2019 17/05/2019
Tweet 17/05/2019 08:43 AM RT @BSAboarding: @BromsPrep Pupils raise £4450 for Worcestershire Animal Shelter and Midlands Air Ambulance #iloveboarding :… 0 0 2019 17/05/2019