Tweet 13/05/2019 09:36 AM RT @BromsPage: @BromsSchool Great action shot of Livia during today’s county championahip athltics event 0 0 2019 13/05/2019
Tweet 13/05/2019 09:37 AM RT @BromsPage: @BromsSchool congratulations also to Ashna, Ayushma & Livia for competing in the county Championship today. In our opinion t… 0 0 2019 13/05/2019
Tweet 13/05/2019 09:37 AM RT @YoungMindsUK: If your child finds it hard talking about their mental health, here are some conversation starters that may help you #Men… 0 0 2019 13/05/2019
Tweet 13/05/2019 09:39 AM Year 4 enjoyed their #ForestSchool sessions on Friday making baked chocolate bananas, building dens and climbing trees, all of which developed their team building skills. #BromsYr4 #OutdoorLearning #… 0 0 2019 13/05/2019
Tweet 13/05/2019 10:45 AM We are very proud to have sent these art pieces from Years 5, 6 and 7 to the Worcester Voices and Visions exhibition. #BromsArt #SchoolArt #BromsYr5 #BromsYr6 #BromsYr7 0 0 2019 13/05/2019
Tweet 13/05/2019 01:20 PM Our #BromsPrep pupils raised £4450.69 during Charity Week, which will be shared between Worcestershire Animal Rescue Shelter and the Midlands Air Ambulance. Today, Spencer Harris from @WARShelter vis… 0 0 2019 13/05/2019
Tweet 13/05/2019 02:21 PM RT @WARShelter: What a way to start off our week!… 0 0 2019 13/05/2019
Tweet 13/05/2019 02:22 PM Congratulations to #BromsPrep pupil Charlie C who has won a silver and bronze medal at the European Taekwondo Championships. He has trained exceptionally hard, undertaking seven hours of training eac… 0 0 2019 13/05/2019
Tweet 14/05/2019 07:55 AM There’s a massive week ahead for U13 boys’ sport at #BromsPrep, with the county cricket semi-final vs @RGSWorcester (away) and county final of the English Schools’ National Track and Field Cup (home)… 0 0 2019 14/05/2019
Tweet 14/05/2019 07:56 AM (2/2) ...Then we have the In2Hockey National Final on Friday at Nottingham and the National Bunbury Cricket Cup match (away) Saturday vs @prestfelde . Good luck to all our Bromsgrovians - and don’t l… 0 0 2019 14/05/2019
Tweet 14/05/2019 07:56 AM RT @BromsSchool: #BromsgroveSchool will be in Ghana for the @an_education UK Boarding School Exhibition on the 18th and 19th May. If you ar… 0 0 2019 14/05/2019
Tweet 14/05/2019 04:11 PM RT @BromsMusic: Years 3 & 5 enjoying a quick sunshine break before their Orchestral Concert starting at 4:15pm in Routh Hall 🎼 @BromsPrep #… 0 0 2019 14/05/2019