Tweet 05/11/2015 11:22 AM RT @Birdieburchett: @BromsSchool What an experience for the boys on the U13 Rugby Tour. Excellent session with Brian McLaughlin https://t.c… 0 0 2015 05/11/2015
Tweet 05/11/2015 11:43 AM Harrison B (Yr 6) filmed @cbbc Junior Bake Off over the summer and appeared in the new series earlier this week. 0 0 2015 05/11/2015
Tweet 05/11/2015 12:55 PM UPDATE: Monday 9th is the closing date for 11+ entrance & scholarship examinations.To find out more email 0 0 2015 05/11/2015
Tweet 05/11/2015 12:56 PM RT @imjustlucyb: So proud of my boy 😊… 0 0 2015 05/11/2015
Tweet 05/11/2015 03:09 PM RT @ucas_online: Parents! Sign up for UCAS newsletters. Help your teen into uni. 0 0 2015 05/11/2015
Tweet 06/11/2015 07:33 AM #U13Tour #BromsRugby #BromsSport… 0 0 2015 06/11/2015
Tweet 06/11/2015 07:33 AM RT @Birdieburchett: @BromsSchool U13 Rugby Tour from culture to carnage! The Titanic experience to ten pin bowling....… 0 0 2015 06/11/2015
Tweet 06/11/2015 10:35 AM RT @olderbloke44: @BromsSchool #BromsRugby #U13Tour last match of the tour today. Best of luck vs Campbell College #RealityCheck 0 0 2015 06/11/2015
Tweet 06/11/2015 11:38 AM UPDATE: Monday 9th is the closing date for 11+ entrance & scholarship examinations.To find out more email 0 0 2015 06/11/2015
Tweet 06/11/2015 12:49 PM I hope you have been feeding the "animals", I mean boys on tour! #U13Tour #BromsRugby #BromsSport… 0 0 2015 06/11/2015
Tweet 06/11/2015 12:49 PM RT @Birdieburchett: @BromsSchool who said this was just a Rugby Tour....great morning @BelfastZoo some of the boys felt right at home! http… 0 0 2015 06/11/2015
Tweet 06/11/2015 04:11 PM RT @Birdieburchett: c'mon @BromsSchool U13 Rugby tour B Team, final game of the tour lets get that win u deserve! 0 0 2015 06/11/2015
Tweet 07/11/2015 06:56 AM #BromsSport #BromsRugby Welcome back to the U13 boys and their coaches, returning from Northern Ireland this morning. 0 0 2015 07/11/2015
Tweet 07/11/2015 02:44 PM RT @Birdieburchett: @BromsSchool Thank you Campbell College for hosting 2 fantastic fixtures. Both games could have gone either way. What a… 0 0 2015 07/11/2015
Tweet 07/11/2015 02:44 PM RT @edrusling: Legendary Northern Ireland rugby tour @BromsSchool proud of you ALL! Massive thanks to all teachers @Birdieburchett https://… 0 0 2015 07/11/2015
Tweet 08/11/2015 07:57 AM Boarders return to School this evening. Prep Boarders by 7.30pm and Senior Boarders by 9.00pm. 0 0 2015 08/11/2015
Tweet 09/11/2015 06:59 AM Welcome back to all our pupils and staff for the second half of the Michaelmas Term. 0 0 2015 09/11/2015
Tweet 09/11/2015 07:59 AM Delighted to welcome back @_SchoolGames for the Quicksticks Hockey Festival on the Astro pitches. 0 0 2015 09/11/2015
Tweet 09/11/2015 08:21 AM RT @louisefallows76: @BromsSchool amazing sky over the pitches this morning 0 0 2015 09/11/2015
Tweet 09/11/2015 08:28 AM This is a wonderful photograph @louisefallows76, thanks for sharing and keep them coming! 0 0 2015 09/11/2015
Tweet 09/11/2015 10:12 AM #BromsRugby Read all about the U13 #Rugby Tour on the website at #U13Tour #BromsSport 0 0 2015 09/11/2015
Tweet 09/11/2015 03:02 PM Head of Art Ms Morgans is currently exhibiting @wfrontgallery - catch it until 14 Nov. MORE: 0 0 2015 09/11/2015
Tweet 09/11/2015 04:09 PM RT @chri57380738: New dining set up at Prep School Excellent team work today 0 0 2015 09/11/2015