Tweet 27/06/2015 10:24 AM The Old Chapel is set up with an array of #OldBromsgrovian history for you to view today. #Commem15 0 0 2015 27/06/2015
Tweet 27/06/2015 11:16 AM We hope you have a great time at #Commem15. RT: "@ajfoster96: Back in bromsgrove for some pre commem bowling #commem #bromsgroveschool" 0 0 2015 27/06/2015
Tweet 27/06/2015 11:40 AM Guess assembling on Gordon Green ready for speeches and prize giving. #Commem15 0 0 2015 27/06/2015
Tweet 27/06/2015 11:55 AM A very busy prize giving marquee. Welcome parents, guests, pupils and leavers. #Commem15 0 0 2015 27/06/2015
Tweet 27/06/2015 12:48 PM We hope you have a great day #Commem15 #OldBromsgrovian RT: "@washmorewells: Amazing weather for commem @BromsSchool going to be a good day" 0 0 2015 27/06/2015
Tweet 27/06/2015 01:39 PM Congratulations to all of the prize winners at #Commem15. 0 0 2015 27/06/2015
Tweet 27/06/2015 01:56 PM The #OldBromsgrovian marquee on Lower Charford. #Commem15 0 0 2015 27/06/2015
Tweet 27/06/2015 01:57 PM The U14 v U15 cricket match currently taking place. #Commem15 0 0 2015 27/06/2015
Tweet 27/06/2015 02:08 PM RT @JeremyPalmer7: #Commemoration @BromsSchool Hope all having a fabulous day - how about a webcam (or two) for next year so we can watch/i… 0 0 2015 27/06/2015
Tweet 27/06/2015 02:08 PM We'll definitely consider it @JeremyPalmer7. Hope to see you back for your son's Commem? 0 0 2015 27/06/2015
Tweet 27/06/2015 02:09 PM Some of the #OldBromsgrovian merchandise on sale in the marquee at #Commem15 today. 0 0 2015 27/06/2015
Tweet 27/06/2015 02:52 PM RT @RichAsgharSandy: Thank-you @BromsSchool for hosting Peter Asghar-Sandys through 6th Form. Immensely proud Dad! 0 0 2015 27/06/2015
Tweet 27/06/2015 02:53 PM We hope you've all had a great day at #Commem15 @RichAsgharSandy, and best wishes to Peter for the future. #OldBromsgrovian 0 0 2015 27/06/2015
Tweet 27/06/2015 03:47 PM #OldBromsgrovians have returned to School today to celebrate their 20th anniversary of leaving Bromsgrove. 0 0 2015 27/06/2015
Tweet 27/06/2015 04:24 PM Commemoration Day 2015 on @animoto.… 0 0 2015 27/06/2015
Tweet 27/06/2015 05:13 PM Call over has finished and now the lowering of the School flag by the Heads of School. #Commem15 0 0 2015 27/06/2015
Tweet 27/06/2015 05:14 PM The Heads of School handing the flag to the Headmaster. #Commem15 0 0 2015 27/06/2015
Tweet 27/06/2015 05:16 PM The end of call over and #Commem15. We hope everyone has had a great day, and to the U6 - enjoy your leavers' ball! 0 0 2015 27/06/2015
Tweet 27/06/2015 06:05 PM House & Parent Marquees on Lower Charford. #Commem15… 0 0 2015 27/06/2015
Tweet 27/06/2015 06:12 PM Watch my video Call Over at Bromsgrove School on @animoto.… 0 0 2015 27/06/2015