Tweet 18/06/2015 12:15 PM Calling all #OldBromsgrovians! There's still plenty of time to join us in the OB marquee next Saturday. Register here 0 0 2015 18/06/2015
Tweet 18/06/2015 01:16 PM RT @schoolsportmag: Barney Morgan top-scored with 44 as Bromsgrove School beat Trent College in the School Sport Magazine National Schools … 0 0 2015 18/06/2015
Tweet 18/06/2015 03:48 PM Mr Bowen's History of The School takes place this eve. The archives are being set up in Routh Hall in anticipation. 0 0 2015 18/06/2015
Tweet 18/06/2015 04:04 PM The marquees for #Commem15 - two almost complete, the main speech marquee to go! #CountdownToCommem 0 0 2015 18/06/2015
Tweet 18/06/2015 04:25 PM Year 5 pupils enjoyed a fantastic finish to their topic on the #Aztecs with a visit from @Mexicolore this morning. 0 0 2015 18/06/2015
Tweet 18/06/2015 04:33 PM RT @The_Volunteer: Speech at Bromsgrove School:… 0 0 2015 18/06/2015
Tweet 18/06/2015 04:34 PM RT @WhichuniUK: Off to a uni #openday soon? Don't leave home without printing out a handy checklist of questions to ask, by subject: http:/… 0 0 2015 18/06/2015
Tweet 18/06/2015 04:36 PM Thanks for posting the link @The_Volunteer. We hope you enjoyed your time with us at #BromsgroveSchool. 0 0 2015 18/06/2015
Tweet 18/06/2015 04:42 PM Summer #Activity Camps start 29th June & run through until 21st August. Open to all! BOOK NOW: 0 0 2015 18/06/2015
Tweet 18/06/2015 05:12 PM RT @chri57380738: Summer Favourites....# Cookery club # happy pupils 0 0 2015 18/06/2015
Tweet 18/06/2015 05:12 PM They look lovely! Can you save us some please? @chri57380738 @HolroydHowe @MarkBodley #BromsFoodies 0 0 2015 18/06/2015
Tweet 18/06/2015 05:12 PM RT @chri57380738: Good work... Bromsgrove cookery club # choctastic 0 0 2015 18/06/2015
Tweet 18/06/2015 06:27 PM Delicious sushi-making in the dining hall for supper this evening. #BromsFoodies @HolroydHowe 0 0 2015 18/06/2015
Tweet 18/06/2015 06:44 PM Mr Kingston setting up the microphones and technical aspects of the history of the School presentation this evening. 0 0 2015 18/06/2015
Tweet 18/06/2015 07:03 PM Mr Bowen has arrived to greet guests arriving for his history of the School presentation. 0 0 2015 18/06/2015
Tweet 18/06/2015 07:09 PM We look forward to welcoming you to #BromsgroveSchool in September @westmidswimming 0 0 2015 18/06/2015
Tweet 18/06/2015 07:09 PM RT @westmidswimming: Coach Development Day on 27th September at Bromsgrove School. Delivered by Fred Furniss. £15 including lunch. http://t… 0 0 2015 18/06/2015
Tweet 18/06/2015 07:12 PM Mr Bowen's history talk... If you're not able to be with us, we'll post a link on @YouTube in the next few days. 0 0 2015 18/06/2015
Tweet 18/06/2015 07:15 PM Routh Hall is filling up and there are lots of guests interested in the archive displays spanning the 1940s-1960s. 0 0 2015 18/06/2015
Tweet 18/06/2015 07:31 PM Mr Bowen's history of the School presentation has now begun. 0 0 2015 18/06/2015
Tweet 18/06/2015 07:32 PM We have a great cohort of #OldBromsgrovians from the late 1940s and early 1950s are here with us this evening. 0 0 2015 18/06/2015