Tweet 09/06/2015 07:32 PM RT @WorCathLibrary: It's our very 1st international archives day on twitter! Here's our copy of a Henry III #MagnaCarta #IAD15 #democracy h… 0 0 2015 09/06/2015
Tweet 09/06/2015 07:40 PM RT @worcesternews: Special tribute to our WW1 Fallen: Did one of your forefathers die in WW1 fighting in the Worcestershire Regim... http:/… 0 0 2015 09/06/2015
Tweet 09/06/2015 07:48 PM Good luck for the premiere Rufus @NationalTheatre! #OldBromsgrovian #BromsgroveAlumnus… 0 0 2015 09/06/2015
Tweet 10/06/2015 08:43 AM (1/3) Day 3 of #LectureWeek15 and we have a host of treats in store today! Trips include @DesignMuseum in London... 0 0 2015 10/06/2015
Tweet 10/06/2015 08:43 AM (2/3) #LectureWeek15 Musicians travel to @brumhippodrome for @WNOTweet's The Magic Flute and Stroke Awareness are in careers all day. 0 0 2015 10/06/2015
Tweet 10/06/2015 08:44 AM (3/3) #LectureWeek15 Our chemists visit @uniofbath and L4 Camp 1 returns with Camp 2 departing shortly afterwards! 0 0 2015 10/06/2015
Tweet 10/06/2015 08:45 AM #LectureWeek15 continues in School with topics as diverse as #Indian Politics, the Rude Goldberg Machine and Chick Flicks & Action Heroes! 0 0 2015 10/06/2015
Tweet 10/06/2015 08:56 AM Up first is Mr Ruben's Lecture on Indian Politics and Economic Policy. Follow #LectureWeek15 for the latest updates. 0 0 2015 10/06/2015
Tweet 10/06/2015 09:05 AM Mr Ruben will be speaking on #India 3000BC to June 2015 #LectureWeek15 0 0 2015 10/06/2015
Tweet 10/06/2015 09:19 AM Mr Ruben explains in 18th century Britain and France fight over control of #India. #LectureWeek15 0 0 2015 10/06/2015
Tweet 10/06/2015 09:22 AM #LectureWeek15 The purpose of Empire? English thought they'd help out the Indians by giving them Christianity 0 0 2015 10/06/2015
Tweet 10/06/2015 09:28 AM #LectureWeek15 The English discovered ancient civilisation in the Indis Valley, & started to link India with its past 0 0 2015 10/06/2015
Tweet 10/06/2015 09:34 AM #LectureWeek15 Was the purpose of Empire to merge Indian culture into a single global success story asks Mr Ruben 0 0 2015 10/06/2015
Tweet 10/06/2015 09:36 AM #LectureWeek15 Or is the purpose of Empire to exploit India? There are different people who buy into each. 0 0 2015 10/06/2015
Tweet 10/06/2015 09:38 AM #LectureWeek15 After 100 years we start to see a very small middle class Indian population. In 1900 westernised Indians wanted Govt jobs. 0 0 2015 10/06/2015
Tweet 10/06/2015 09:39 AM #LectureWeek15 Empire didn't want to give power to Indians. The British Empire saw them as second class citizens. They wanted Independence; 0 0 2015 10/06/2015
Tweet 10/06/2015 09:44 AM #LectureWeek15 In WW2 lots of debate about whether the Indians should help Britain. After war, British lost interest in Empire. 0 0 2015 10/06/2015
Tweet 10/06/2015 09:54 AM #LectureWeek15 The Congress was led by Ghandi and they fought the Empire politically, taking the moral high ground. 0 0 2015 10/06/2015
Tweet 10/06/2015 09:56 AM #LectureWeek15 In 1950s India they were double building their roads and wells because of social status. 0 0 2015 10/06/2015
Tweet 10/06/2015 09:59 AM #LectureWeek15 1950s India was unbelievably poor. But the good news was that they had a strong Govt & heavy industry. 0 0 2015 10/06/2015
Tweet 10/06/2015 10:09 AM #LectureWeek15 India formed a car industry in 70s. Supported by the PM, lots of people donated land for the factory. 0 0 2015 10/06/2015
Tweet 10/06/2015 10:18 AM #LectureWeek15 1977-2014: The Death of the Congress. However, since the 1970s the Indian economy has done quite well 0 0 2015 10/06/2015