Tweet 23/04/2015 02:16 PM Congratulations to Alexandra E who has been awarded an @ArkwrightTrust Scholarship. READ MORE: 0 0 2015 23/04/2015
Tweet 23/04/2015 02:27 PM Year 4 pupils visited the #Birmingham Central Synagogue on Wednesday. READ MORE: 0 0 2015 23/04/2015
Tweet 23/04/2015 02:32 PM .@Rugbyworldmag came in to School yesterday to award the #BromsgroveSchool 1st XV their 'team of the month' accolade 0 0 2015 23/04/2015
Tweet 23/04/2015 02:37 PM RT @jameswterry87: Great to be out in the sunshine @CannockHC with @BromsSchool U12 Girls at the Midlands Hockey Finals. Good win to start!… 0 0 2015 23/04/2015
Tweet 23/04/2015 02:37 PM Good luck to the U12 girls @jameswterry87. Let us know how they get on @CannockHC #MidlandsHockey #MidlandsFinals 0 0 2015 23/04/2015
Tweet 23/04/2015 02:42 PM All the best @ArtrixArts. Hoping the weather stays like this for you on Sat! RT: "Beautiful day to build the stage for 'our 10th birthday" 0 0 2015 23/04/2015
Tweet 23/04/2015 02:50 PM RT @jameswterry87: @BromsSchool @CannockHC two more wins, but more importantly great performances. Knocking the ball around fluently! 0 0 2015 23/04/2015
Tweet 23/04/2015 02:51 PM Fantastic @jameswterry87, pass on our congratulations and best wishes for the rest of the day #GoBromsgrove @CannockHC 0 0 2015 23/04/2015
Tweet 23/04/2015 04:04 PM RT @GILBERT_RUGBY: Congratulations @BromsSchool – the @Rugbyworldmag Schools Team of the Month for February! #GilbertRugby #TeamGilbert htt… 0 0 2015 23/04/2015
Tweet 23/04/2015 04:04 PM Thank you for your kind words @GILBERT_RUGBY @Rugbyworldmag 0 0 2015 23/04/2015
Tweet 23/04/2015 04:04 PM RT @jameswterry87: @BromsSchool one more win and two draws sees the U12 Girls into the semi finals! 0 0 2015 23/04/2015
Tweet 23/04/2015 04:05 PM Well done girls @jameswterry87 #GoBromsgrove #MidlandsHockey 0 0 2015 23/04/2015
Tweet 23/04/2015 04:19 PM Delighted to welcome Artist Lucy Parris to the Prep #Art department today, where she discussed her work with pupils. 0 0 2015 23/04/2015
Tweet 23/04/2015 04:24 PM The Prep School Chapel Choir will be performing tonight at @RGSWorcester for the Festival Winners Concert. Good luck! 0 0 2015 23/04/2015
Tweet 23/04/2015 05:29 PM RT @jameswterry87: @BromsSchool agonising loss on penalty strokes! Girls played brilliantly all day! U11s tomorrow #moresunshine 0 0 2015 23/04/2015
Tweet 23/04/2015 05:30 PM Commiserations to the U12s @jameswterry87, but from the sound of it they all played so brilliantly throughout the day. 0 0 2015 23/04/2015
Tweet 23/04/2015 05:33 PM RT @nybutt: Really positive to hear so many bright young people engaging in contemporary examples in @DebatingMatters humanitarian interven… 0 0 2015 23/04/2015
Tweet 23/04/2015 05:41 PM Year 2 enjoyed a close encounter with some African animals today... rather them than us! MORE: 0 0 2015 23/04/2015
Tweet 23/04/2015 05:47 PM To celebrate #StGeorgesDay, Nursery pupils role-played the story. We especially like the giant roar of our dragon! 0 0 2015 23/04/2015
Tweet 23/04/2015 05:55 PM Prep pupils took part in a treasure hunt today, helping them to orientate and explore more of the Senior School. 0 0 2015 23/04/2015
Tweet 23/04/2015 06:04 PM #PageHouse Garden is looking lovely in the sunshine today. Well done to the #BromsgroveService pupils for their help. 0 0 2015 23/04/2015
Tweet 23/04/2015 06:55 PM RT @taclements19: @jameswterry87 @BromsSchool well done girls for playing so well 0 0 2015 23/04/2015
Tweet 23/04/2015 10:23 PM Congrats @LEAR_Inc - to all of our followers, we commend the production to you #FringeFestival #Edinburgh… 0 0 2015 23/04/2015
Tweet 23/04/2015 10:26 PM We're glad we can help @buskingbobby.… 0 0 2015 23/04/2015
Tweet 24/04/2015 07:47 AM There's still time to join @LEAR_Inc and @BoxOfFrogsImpro for an evening of #comedy in the Hospitality Suite! 0 0 2015 24/04/2015
Tweet 24/04/2015 08:22 AM Don't forget to support the #BromsgroveSchool golf team at ISGA @schoolsgolf Nationals this Sunday & Mon. READ MORE: 0 0 2015 24/04/2015
Tweet 24/04/2015 08:39 AM RT @BBCWorld: The cave paintings sealed off from the world for 20,000 years (via @rebeccamorelle)… 0 0 2015 24/04/2015
Tweet 24/04/2015 08:45 AM RT: @IE_Today Do you know an exceptional young person working in #highered? Nominate them for @UB_UK Young Leaders 0 0 2015 24/04/2015
Tweet 24/04/2015 08:46 AM RT @GoogleForEdu: Learn with other educators at #GoogleEduOnAir, a free online conference. Register today: http://t.… 0 0 2015 24/04/2015
Tweet 24/04/2015 08:48 AM We're delighted to welcome #OldBromsgrovian Theodora Dyakova to the Ladies' Lunch tomorrow. It's a sell out! 0 0 2015 24/04/2015
Tweet 24/04/2015 08:52 AM RT @buskingbobby: @BromsSchool it's been sorted with lots going to @MaggsDayCentre - here's my dad sorting it 0 0 2015 24/04/2015
Tweet 24/04/2015 08:53 AM Pleased we could help out @buskingbobby. A great cause, and there's always plenty more from Bob! 0 0 2015 24/04/2015
Tweet 24/04/2015 09:13 AM Best wishes to Henry Walker and Blake Edwards who are attending an @EnglandRugby U17 training session this weekend in York. 0 0 2015 24/04/2015
Tweet 24/04/2015 09:18 AM Senior pupil Beck is playing for @WorcsWarriors U17s on Saturday - good luck to Beck & the rest of the Warriors team. 0 0 2015 24/04/2015
Tweet 24/04/2015 09:22 AM RT @buskingbobby: @BromsSchool bob is amazing - if you want to get the children to do a project to raise socks or sleeping as a social resp… 0 0 2015 24/04/2015
Tweet 24/04/2015 09:23 AM We'll pass this on to our charity coordinators @buskingbobby, we're always looking at ways we can help and make a difference. 0 0 2015 24/04/2015