Tweet 18/04/2015 12:59 PM Buy your tickets to see #BromsgroveSchool @LEAR_Inc @edfringe this summer… 0 0 2015 18/04/2015
Tweet 19/04/2015 12:03 AM Our Headmaster, Mr Clague, presenting the special President's Prize @BIYMC this year #BIYMC2015 #BIYMCFinal… 0 0 2015 19/04/2015
Tweet 19/04/2015 12:03 AM RT @BIYMC: Thank you to all of our competitors for a superb 5 days of #BIYMC2015 @BromsSchool. Stay tuned for more about #BIYMC2016 soon! 0 0 2015 19/04/2015
Tweet 19/04/2015 10:37 AM RT @GlosRugby_Acad: Best of luck to Tom Seabrook & Harrison Fowke today as they play for @EnglandRugby U16's. @SportWycliffe @BromsSchool #… 0 0 2015 19/04/2015
Tweet 19/04/2015 10:37 AM RT @WCAcademyCoach: Busy day of cricket @BromsSchool with 4 development of excellence sides today U11 U13 U15 & U18 @WorcsCCC 0 0 2015 19/04/2015
Tweet 19/04/2015 05:54 PM We're pleased you enjoyed the day. Hope to see you at #BromsgroveSchool again soon.… 0 0 2015 19/04/2015
Tweet 19/04/2015 05:54 PM The boarders are certainly in for a treat on their first evening back!… 0 0 2015 19/04/2015
Tweet 20/04/2015 08:19 AM Welcome back to our pupils and staff for the start of the #Summer term on this lovely sunny day! 0 0 2015 20/04/2015
Tweet 20/04/2015 12:14 PM Pupils take part in Bromsgrove's annual exchange trip to #Germany. READ MORE: 0 0 2015 20/04/2015
Tweet 20/04/2015 12:23 PM Delicious! Let us know what the feedback is @chri57380738 0 0 2015 20/04/2015
Tweet 20/04/2015 12:26 PM The first lunchtime service in the Senior dining hall for the start of the summer term 0 0 2015 20/04/2015
Tweet 20/04/2015 01:06 PM Well done to Siena, who competed at the British Alpine Championships this Easter. READ MORE: 0 0 2015 20/04/2015
Tweet 20/04/2015 06:32 PM RT @LEAR_Inc: Join our cast this Friday for a hilarious fundraising event w. Birmingham's best improv comedy group @BoxOfFrogsImpro http://… 0 0 2015 20/04/2015
Tweet 20/04/2015 06:33 PM A fantastic first #cookery lesson at the Prep School - pupils learning how to make cheese scones.… 0 0 2015 20/04/2015
Tweet 21/04/2015 07:49 AM Tickets still available for the @hagleyhall and park charity preview day on 17th May. MORE: 0 0 2015 21/04/2015
Tweet 21/04/2015 08:36 AM Year 1 welcomed #Worcestershire artist Philip Brewer to Pre-Prep yesterday. READ MORE: 0 0 2015 21/04/2015
Tweet 21/04/2015 08:41 AM Upper Fourth pupils spent a week in Normandy, immersing themselves in the culture. READ MORE: 0 0 2015 21/04/2015
Tweet 21/04/2015 07:57 PM Thank you @schoolsgolf #ISGAFinals… 0 0 2015 21/04/2015
Tweet 21/04/2015 07:58 PM RT @LeylandSimpson: Herby Lemon Chicken Kebabs! @BromsSchool @chri57380738 @AimeeBaby6 0 0 2015 21/04/2015
Tweet 21/04/2015 09:18 PM RT @econplusdal: New video out - Policies to redistribute income, an increasingly popular exam question… #econplusdal 0 0 2015 21/04/2015
Tweet 21/04/2015 09:22 PM RT @BIYMC: A fantastic video from @decisiveimaging showcasing clips from the #BIYMC2015 final. A must see for all: 0 0 2015 21/04/2015
Tweet 22/04/2015 07:45 AM RT @JamesGBradford: Delicious meals being produced the the fab new kitchen @BromsSchool, credit to the chefs @HolroydHowe @gregsimpson htt… 0 0 2015 22/04/2015
Tweet 22/04/2015 09:34 AM Pupils travelled to Granada for lessons in don Quijote school over half term. READ MORE: 0 0 2015 22/04/2015