Tweet 03/02/2015 07:45 AM A great initiative - don't forget to visit our #YoungEnterprise stand... MT: "@YE_Broms_Redd Spring Fair @WebbsGC on the 7 Mar 10am to 4pm" 0 0 2015 03/02/2015
Tweet 03/02/2015 08:38 AM Thank you to @siempretango for a fantastic evening. A selection of photos from the concert can now be viewed online @ 0 0 2015 03/02/2015
Tweet 03/02/2015 11:10 AM Good luck #Bromsgrove! MT: "@Inattheside Just few hrs until KO between @BromsSchool & Stamford, here is our preview" 0 0 2015 03/02/2015
Tweet 03/02/2015 11:11 AM RT @SchoolsCup: Some late and exciting #NatWestCup games going on this week, including @SJCRFC v @WhitgiftSchool1 and @BromsSchool v @Spede… 0 0 2015 03/02/2015
Tweet 03/02/2015 11:47 AM RT @musicanlis: Really enjoyed last nights Tango Concert @BromsSchool @TangoSiempreUK well put together @ROK1965 0 0 2015 03/02/2015
Tweet 03/02/2015 12:27 PM Thank you for your kind words@CriticalMother - we are glad you enjoyed the @TangoSiempreUK show! 0 0 2015 03/02/2015
Tweet 03/02/2015 01:13 PM OB Barrie Lloyd and his son Tim have joined us for a tour of the School this lunchtime. Welcome to #BromsgroveSchool! 0 0 2015 03/02/2015
Tweet 03/02/2015 01:53 PM Join us for the annual Pop & Jazz music extravaganza, with concerts over two days, on 3rd and 4th March. #PopJazz 0 0 2015 03/02/2015
Tweet 03/02/2015 02:31 PM We hope the Year 2 pupils enjoyed their trip to @WarwickCastle today. 0 0 2015 03/02/2015
Tweet 03/02/2015 02:31 PM RT @proviewsports: We will finally see @BromsSchool in @SchoolsCup last 16 action as corrected from last week! Good luck lads #rugby #schoo… 0 0 2015 03/02/2015
Tweet 03/02/2015 02:32 PM Kick off 2.30pm: #BromsgroveSchool vs #Stamford match @SchoolsCup - good luck! 0 0 2015 03/02/2015
Tweet 03/02/2015 02:43 PM RT @Inattheside: Teams on the field and ready for this NatWest Schools cup clash between Bromsgrove and Stamford 0 0 2015 03/02/2015
Tweet 03/02/2015 03:00 PM Current standings #Bromsgrove vs #Stamford @SchoolsCup: RT "@Inattheside TRY Stamford ! They lead 5-0 playing with the slope!" 0 0 2015 03/02/2015
Tweet 03/02/2015 03:59 PM RT: "@Inattheside HT @BromsSchool 5-8 @SpedeNews #natwestcup" 0 0 2015 03/02/2015
Tweet 03/02/2015 04:01 PM #Bromsgrove vs #Stamford match @SchoolsCup: RT: "@Inattheside Bromsgrove hit back straight away with a try! 23-15 they lead!" 0 0 2015 03/02/2015
Tweet 03/02/2015 04:02 PM Well done #Bromsgrove! RT: "@Inattheside: FT @BromsSchool 23-15 @SpedeNews #natwestcup” 0 0 2015 03/02/2015
Tweet 03/02/2015 04:45 PM RT @SchoolsCup: Congratulations to @BromsSchool - the seventh team through to the U18 #NatWestCup QFs after beating Stamford School this af… 0 0 2015 03/02/2015
Tweet 03/02/2015 04:46 PM RT @olderbloke44: @BromsSchool Congratulations to the 1st XV. Hard fought but well deserved. #natwestcup #deoregivicino 0 0 2015 03/02/2015
Tweet 03/02/2015 04:47 PM Thanks @tlloydie, commiserations but I hope you enjoyed watching the match nevertheless! 0 0 2015 03/02/2015
Tweet 03/02/2015 04:48 PM RT @jacksorm: So it's @BromsSchool for the next match in the #natwestcup for @DauntseysRugby - excellent! #massivechallenge 0 0 2015 03/02/2015
Tweet 03/02/2015 04:48 PM RT @Inattheside: So @BromsSchool are through to the @SchoolsCup 1/4 Finals & will have a home tie v @DauntseysRugby 0 0 2015 03/02/2015
Tweet 03/02/2015 04:49 PM RT @FifteenRugbyXV: Bromsgrove win! 23-15, Stamford's incredible run is over #NatWestCup 0 0 2015 03/02/2015
Tweet 03/02/2015 05:18 PM Delicious! MT: "@davedouble_1984: The finished product - Housman Hall hound dogs @Bromsschool ” 0 0 2015 03/02/2015
Tweet 03/02/2015 05:29 PM RT @rileyorionradio: Hope they enjoy the run as much as the Warwick boys did last yr @Inattheside @BromsSchool thru to @SchoolsCup QFs htt… 0 0 2015 03/02/2015
Tweet 04/02/2015 09:25 AM RT @Inattheside: Report on @BromsSchool v @SpedeNews news yesterday 0 0 2015 04/02/2015
Tweet 04/02/2015 11:15 AM Tickets now available for the @BIYMC 35th Anniversary Concert in April, hosted at #BromsgroveSchool. Book online at 0 0 2015 04/02/2015
Tweet 04/02/2015 01:49 PM RT @FifteenRugbyXV: Our report from yesterday's brilliant @BromsSchool v @stamschsport game in the @SchoolsCup… #NatW… 0 0 2015 04/02/2015
Tweet 05/02/2015 07:46 AM It was good to play against you @ReptonSport #NationalHockey 0 0 2015 05/02/2015
Tweet 05/02/2015 07:47 AM The MFL Department are in for a real treat when the Spanish Theatre Company visit #BromsgroveSchool later today. #Hola 0 0 2015 05/02/2015
Tweet 05/02/2015 07:50 AM Hi @AimeeBaby6, it means 'modified tweet' i.e. when we correct a typo/spelling or have to reduce the number of characters in the tweet! 0 0 2015 05/02/2015
Tweet 05/02/2015 07:53 AM Congratulations on 20 years, a great cause #YouthSport #YoungPeopleInSport MT: "@YouthSportTrust 20 years of the Youth Sport Trust!" 0 0 2015 05/02/2015
Tweet 05/02/2015 07:54 AM No problem @AimeeBaby6, keep up the great work in catering and keep those photos coming! @HolroydHowe 0 0 2015 05/02/2015
Tweet 05/02/2015 07:57 AM Year 2 pupils 'save' Princess Arabella from the Evil Knight @WarwickCastle. READ MORE: 0 0 2015 05/02/2015
Tweet 05/02/2015 08:46 AM RT @An_Education: UK boarding school education is an excellent stepping stone to university. @Shaftesbury_sch @OakhamSch @BromsSchool http:… 0 0 2015 05/02/2015
Tweet 05/02/2015 09:38 AM RT @Inattheside: GALLERY - NatWest Cup (@BromsSchool v @SpedeNews & @SJCRFC v @WhitgiftSport ) 0 0 2015 05/02/2015