Tweet 07/10/2014 09:58 AM We hope the Prefects enjoy their lunch with the Headmaster this afternoon. 0 0 2014 07/10/2014
Tweet 07/10/2014 10:02 AM Don't forget that the Music School is putting on an informal concert in the Old Chapel this evening - 5.30pm start. See you there. 0 0 2014 07/10/2014
Tweet 07/10/2014 02:46 PM @IDPE_Europe We hope our Head of Foundation, Jane Rogers, is enjoying the session! 0 0 2014 07/10/2014
Tweet 07/10/2014 02:47 PM Not long to go until the Informal Concert. But don't fear, if you can't make it, we'll be uploading footage to YouTube later this week! 0 0 2014 07/10/2014
Tweet 07/10/2014 02:55 PM RT @NorthBromsgrove: North's Music Day Video a collaboration of Parkside, Catshill, @SouthBromsHigh, Meadows, St Joh… 0 0 2014 07/10/2014
Tweet 07/10/2014 02:56 PM We're looking for OBs who are @warwickuni alums to join us for a special university day touring the campus in Nov. Contact us if that's you! 0 0 2014 07/10/2014
Tweet 07/10/2014 04:51 PM We look forward to welcoming parents and guests to the Informal Concert in the Old Chapel shortly. 0 0 2014 07/10/2014
Tweet 07/10/2014 04:59 PM RT @Brom_Advertiser: Popular author visits Bromsgrove school as part of current tour: A POPULAR author visited a Bromsgrove school ... http… 0 0 2014 07/10/2014
Tweet 07/10/2014 05:35 PM First up is Rachel Weller on Tuba with Iveson's Strictly Come Dancing. #InformalConcert 0 0 2014 07/10/2014
Tweet 07/10/2014 05:36 PM 2nd to perform is a staff duet with Mr McKelvey and Miss McCanlis on Piano with Rumba. #InformalConcert 0 0 2014 07/10/2014
Tweet 07/10/2014 05:38 PM Kate Duffy performs If I Loved You from Carousel. #InformalConcert 0 0 2014 07/10/2014