Tweet 12/09/2014 03:10 PM Thank you to Old Bromsgrovian Tom Caswell and his KPMG colleague for taking the time to come in to talk to students. 0 0 2014 12/09/2014
Tweet 12/09/2014 03:30 PM RT @club_spectrum: Overwhelmed to hear that the group of lads from @BromsSchool raised a mighty £400 for our project by completing a 95mile… 0 0 2014 12/09/2014
Tweet 12/09/2014 03:31 PM We look forward to welcoming prospective families to our Open Morning tomorrow. You can download the programme here: 0 0 2014 12/09/2014
Tweet 12/09/2014 05:26 PM @DimonUCL We hope you enjoyed coming back and seeing Mr Bowen again! All the best for the future. #OldBromsgrovian 0 0 2014 12/09/2014
Tweet 12/09/2014 05:26 PM RT @DimonUCL: Back after 3 years... Good stuff (@ Bromsgrove School)… 0 0 2014 12/09/2014
Tweet 12/09/2014 06:49 PM RT @Inattheside: Top 5 Schools Matches of the Weekend | @MillfieldRugby @RGSHWSport @Welly_Rugby @dulwichrugby @Brom… 0 0 2014 12/09/2014
Tweet 12/09/2014 07:18 PM RT @BromsgroveLib: Bromsgrove People & Places CD is now available @BromsgroveLib… @ExploreThePast @BromsSchool @Broms… 0 0 2014 12/09/2014
Tweet 13/09/2014 08:24 AM Wishing a safe journey to everyone attending our Open Morning today. We look forward to welcoming you to #BromsgroveSchool shortly. 0 0 2014 13/09/2014
Tweet 13/09/2014 01:16 PM RT @bromsgrove: Reunited with my house mother from school #bromsgrove #wg #school #bromsgroveschool: 0 0 2014 13/09/2014
Tweet 14/09/2014 09:19 AM RT @angels2323: Great start to the season @Inattheside @BromsSchool 0 0 2014 14/09/2014
Tweet 15/09/2014 02:49 PM RT @IE_Today: Stepnell to build Bromsgrove school dining hall… @Robothams @BromsSchool #construction… 0 0 2014 15/09/2014