Tweet 02/09/2014 09:21 AM Calling all Old Bromsgrovians! Please like our new OB Facebook Page at Our existing 'group' will close soon. 0 0 2014 02/09/2014
Tweet 02/09/2014 12:40 PM Our brand new dedicated #sports website gives you access to fixtures, team sheets and more. Just go to 0 0 2014 02/09/2014
Tweet 02/09/2014 12:51 PM The first meeting of the new #SchoolMonitors takes place this lunchtime. Good luck to all taking part! 0 0 2014 02/09/2014
Tweet 02/09/2014 12:53 PM We'll be taking part too! RT "@roald_dahl September means SCHOOL... but ALSO #RoaldDahlDay Dahlicious Dress Up Day! " 0 0 2014 02/09/2014
Tweet 02/09/2014 01:04 PM #CCF will be undertaking their very first parade of the new School year today - we look forward to seeing the recruits out in the grounds. 0 0 2014 02/09/2014
Tweet 02/09/2014 02:21 PM The School Grounds are looking wonderful on a bright and sunny day today! #BromsgroveSchool #NewSchoolTerm 0 0 2014 02/09/2014
Tweet 02/09/2014 02:27 PM Heads of School proudly wearing their new #Monitor badges after the 1st meeting of the School Monitors in Cookes Room 0 0 2014 02/09/2014
Tweet 02/09/2014 02:30 PM Who remembers their own time as a #SchoolMonitor? Send us your monitor anecdotes or favourite thing about being a Monitor at Bromsgrove! 0 0 2014 02/09/2014
Tweet 02/09/2014 03:41 PM We hope our new Year 3 pupils at the Prep School are settling in well after their second day comes to an end. #BigSchool #NewStart 0 0 2014 02/09/2014
Tweet 02/09/2014 08:51 PM Catch Bromsgrove Alumnus @RitchieNeville @official5ive on his #FreeRadio show tomorrow. at 9am. Good Luck Ritchie! 0 0 2014 02/09/2014
Tweet 02/09/2014 08:53 PM We hope you enjoyed the match @kris_thomass. #DroitwichVSBromsgrove 0 0 2014 02/09/2014
Tweet 03/09/2014 08:18 AM Find out about our new and existing teaching and support staff with our Staff Directory on the School website: 0 0 2014 03/09/2014