Tweet 12/05/2014 12:17 PM RT @MissB_North: CCF Air Rifle Shooting! Weapons handling done, lots more fun to come! @NBHS_PE_Dept @NorthBromsgrove @BromsSchool http://t… 0 0 2014 12/05/2014
Tweet 12/05/2014 12:17 PM @MissB_North @NBHS_PE_Dept @NorthBromsgrove We hope all of the CCF pupils are enjoying the camp. 0 0 2014 12/05/2014
Tweet 12/05/2014 12:18 PM @intSchools @AMDISNews Looking forward to seeing where #BromsgroveSchool are in the #socialscore league table again this year. 0 0 2014 12/05/2014
Tweet 12/05/2014 12:24 PM Good luck to everyone continuing with their exams today. It will be worth it! 0 0 2014 12/05/2014
Tweet 12/05/2014 12:59 PM U13 boys crowned joint National Champs & U12 girls third overall @ the IAPS Swim Finals. MORE: 0 0 2014 12/05/2014
Tweet 12/05/2014 01:05 PM RT @intSchools: At #5 is @BromsSchool with a slightly better #socialscore of 35.85/100 #AMDIS 0 0 2014 12/05/2014
Tweet 12/05/2014 01:05 PM @intSchools Thank you! We were 8th overall last year I believe? 0 0 2014 12/05/2014
Tweet 12/05/2014 06:53 PM Thanks @intSchools for our #socialscore -we've made the top 5 for social media influence. Hoping to make no.1 nxt yr! 0 0 2014 12/05/2014
Tweet 12/05/2014 06:55 PM @WPackwood Sounds great. Hope you have a safe journey and a restful summer! 0 0 2014 12/05/2014
Tweet 12/05/2014 06:58 PM The #Bromsgrovian Annual Dinner Dance @graftonmanor takes place next Tuesday. Dinner, dancing, auction & fireworks! Few places remaining... 0 0 2014 12/05/2014
Tweet 12/05/2014 08:54 PM RT @Keysonomics: Bromsgrove CCF on field day. Success all round on the assault course. 0 0 2014 12/05/2014
Tweet 13/05/2014 07:44 AM Wishing all of our U13 athletes the best of luck for the ESAA Cup Round 1 @RylandCentre today. We hope the weather holds out for you all. 0 0 2014 13/05/2014