Tweet 09/10/2017 10:36 AM RT @ucas_online: Not sure if next week’s deadline applies to you? Check our key dates and deadlines! 🗓️ 👉 👈 RT to… 0 0 2017 09/10/2017
Tweet 09/10/2017 10:37 AM RT @BromsHazeldene: Hazeldene 6th form & all HZ parents - join us for our Hazeldene Ball on 13th Jan. Dinner, drinks & dancing - what bette… 0 0 2017 09/10/2017
Tweet 09/10/2017 10:37 AM RT @BromsOakley: Girls have worked incredibly hard getting ready for #HouseSong competition. Friday's rehearsal was excellent. Everyone in… 0 0 2017 09/10/2017
Tweet 09/10/2017 10:37 AM RT @BromsHazeldene: Only 10 days until this year's House Song... Can Hazeldene win it for a third year in a row? #thishousecan #weloveyouha… 0 0 2017 09/10/2017
Tweet 09/10/2017 10:44 AM From House events to activities, this is why our pupils love boarding... #iloveboarding #NationalBoardingDay @BSAboarding 0 0 2017 09/10/2017
Tweet 09/10/2017 11:27 AM 100 yrs ago #OnThisDay Remembering the Fallen #OldBromsgrovians 1914-1918: D. C. Halsall (School 1910-1916), Lancs Fusiliers. Buried Belgium 0 0 2017 09/10/2017
Tweet 09/10/2017 01:03 PM Coming Up: 13+ Open Morning, 14 Oct - find out what a Bromsgrove education can do for your child. Contact Admissions to reserve your place. 0 0 2017 09/10/2017
Tweet 09/10/2017 02:10 PM RT @BromsPrePrep: We look forward to welcoming #BromsPrePrep parents to the Squirrels Parents' Evening this afternoon. 0 0 2017 09/10/2017
Tweet 09/10/2017 03:01 PM RT @BromsMusic: Welcome to the #BromsMusic Twitter account. Please follow us for the latest news from the #BromsSchool Music School and Rou… 0 0 2017 09/10/2017
Tweet 09/10/2017 03:01 PM RT @BromsMusic: A fantastic first full rehearsal with a strong orchestra, jazz band & percussion group in the newly renovated Routh Concert… 0 0 2017 09/10/2017
Tweet 09/10/2017 07:46 PM RT @BromsOakley: Whilst the girls are doing their #prep, we're setting up the #pumpkin carving competition @BromsSchool🎃💀👻👽🐲 #FreakyFaces #… 0 0 2017 09/10/2017
Tweet 09/10/2017 07:47 PM Congratulations to the U14 netball team who won their District tournament, scoring 99 goals and only conceding 4. #BromsSport #BromsNetball 0 0 2017 09/10/2017
Tweet 09/10/2017 08:06 PM RT @BromsPage: @BromsSchool Page House Monitors night out to Pizza Express !!!! 0 0 2017 09/10/2017
Tweet 09/10/2017 08:07 PM Don't forget to save us some @BromsPage! #BromsHouses #iloveboarding… 0 0 2017 09/10/2017
Tweet 10/10/2017 08:00 AM RT @BromsOakley: Here are our top tips for @BromsSchool #PumpkinMadness: sniff for ripeness, scrub to perfect carving surface, reenact "I c… 0 0 2017 10/10/2017
Tweet 10/10/2017 08:01 AM A fabulous job @BromsOakley - well done! #iloveboarding #BromsHouses #BromsOakley… 0 0 2017 10/10/2017
Tweet 10/10/2017 08:01 AM RT @BromsOakley: Good job, #Oakley! You've done yourselves proud!🎃💀👻👽🐲👍 #PumpkinMadness #Halloween #FoodArt #GirlsBoarding #WeLoveBoarding… 0 0 2017 10/10/2017
Tweet 10/10/2017 08:01 AM RT @BromsOakley: Creativity abounds! Spooktastic efforts, girls!🎃💀👻👽🐲👍 #PumpkinMadness #Halloween #FoodArt #GirlsBoarding #WeLoveBoarding @… 0 0 2017 10/10/2017
Tweet 10/10/2017 08:02 AM RT @BromsPage: @BromsSchool Finishing a nice evening with cakes in the House. 0 0 2017 10/10/2017
Tweet 10/10/2017 08:02 AM RT @BromsOakley: Working hard or making a mess?! Who can tell? See our next Tweet for finished items! #Halloween #GirlsBoarding #WeLoveBoar… 0 0 2017 10/10/2017
Tweet 10/10/2017 08:04 AM RT @DrDawnPhD: With #resilience & #grace, incredible things can happen. "Be who you were meant to be and you will set the world on fire." #… 0 0 2017 10/10/2017
Tweet 10/10/2017 08:04 AM RT @war_fallen: KIA 100 years ago 9th Oct 1917, 2nd Lieut Donald Halsall aged 19, Lancs Fusiliers:… #WW1 #Passchenda… 0 0 2017 10/10/2017
Tweet 10/10/2017 08:04 AM RT @war_fallen: Died 74 years ago today, 9th October 1943, Lieutenant David Dalton aged 24, Royal Artillery:… #WW2 @… 0 0 2017 10/10/2017
Tweet 10/10/2017 08:04 AM RT @ucas_online: This handy video will help you add your qualifications to your application… 0 0 2017 10/10/2017
Tweet 10/10/2017 08:39 AM It's great to see one of our pupils featured by @TheBromsgrove. Good luck for your upcoming competitions! #BYMP… 0 0 2017 10/10/2017
Tweet 10/10/2017 08:39 AM RT @TheBromsgrove: SPOTLIGHT ON... Our 2017 Young Musicians' Platform senior winner, Jude Wynter. READ MORE: #BYMP… 0 0 2017 10/10/2017
Tweet 10/10/2017 08:48 AM RT @OldBromsgrovian: Wishing you all the best @John_Illsley. #BromsAlumni #OldBromsgrovian… 0 0 2017 10/10/2017
Tweet 10/10/2017 11:44 AM Year 5 @BromsPrep are making amazing progress with their instruments in the Brass and Woodwind @BromsMusic project. #BromsYr5 #BromsMusic 0 0 2017 10/10/2017
Tweet 10/10/2017 11:44 AM RT @missionhillscn: NEWS: Junior Football Leagues gather pace in China with six host cities announced for 2017… ⚽️🇨🇳… 0 0 2017 10/10/2017
Tweet 10/10/2017 11:44 AM RT @BromsOakley: Wonderful to see #STEM heroine celebrated today!🖥️🔧🛠️🔩⚙️🔬🔭📡🌡️🔎📚📝 #GirlsInSTEM #Grit #HardWorkPaysOff #BeWhoYouAreMeantToBe… 0 0 2017 10/10/2017
Tweet 10/10/2017 11:45 AM RT @BromsPrePrep: Pleased to welcome #BromsPrePrep families to the Hedghogs and Otters Parents' Evening later today. 0 0 2017 10/10/2017
Tweet 10/10/2017 12:49 PM RT @relocatemag: Applying for #SecondarySchools? Check out some of the top school's #OpenDays @ais_singapore @Broms… 0 0 2017 10/10/2017
Tweet 10/10/2017 12:50 PM RT @BromsPrepSport: @BromsPrep Year 7 Gymnastics. #Trust 0 0 2017 10/10/2017
Tweet 10/10/2017 01:36 PM RT @BromsPrePrep: Thank you to @chri57380738 from @HolroydHowe for leading a fantastic educational experience for the Year 1 children this… 0 0 2017 10/10/2017
Tweet 10/10/2017 01:36 PM RT @BromsPrePrep: @chri57380738 @HolroydHowe You can read more about the initiative on our website at #BromsYr1 #Br… 0 0 2017 10/10/2017
Tweet 10/10/2017 01:37 PM RT @BromsMusic: It is fantastic to see Year 5 pupils enjoying the Woodwind and Brass Scheme, introducing them all to new instruments #Broms… 0 0 2017 10/10/2017
Tweet 10/10/2017 02:06 PM Well done to @BromsElmshurst - winners of the House Basketball 2017! #BromsHouses #BromsElmshurst #BromsSport… 0 0 2017 10/10/2017
Tweet 10/10/2017 02:06 PM RT @BromsPrepSport: @BromsPrep @BromsCricket Year 5/6 Lunch time cricket coaching 0 0 2017 10/10/2017
Tweet 10/10/2017 03:22 PM Wishing all @BromsMusic pupils and staff a great Informal Concert this evening. #BromsMusic #BromsConcerts 0 0 2017 10/10/2017
Tweet 10/10/2017 04:16 PM Archive Club as part of @BromsService1 is taking place this afternoon with @NThorpeBS in the Old Chapel. #BromsArchives 0 0 2017 10/10/2017
Tweet 10/10/2017 04:17 PM RT @jmckelvey78: Erhu player practising for today's Informal Concert, 5.30pm #BromsMusic @BromsMusic @BromsSchool 0 0 2017 10/10/2017
Tweet 10/10/2017 04:24 PM RT @BromsMusic: Looking forward to tonight's concert! #BromsMusic… 0 0 2017 10/10/2017
Tweet 10/10/2017 04:24 PM RT @BromsHazeldene: Practice makes perfect... Spotlight on Holly P, conducting up a storm. #housesong #hazeldene 0 0 2017 10/10/2017
Tweet 10/10/2017 05:34 PM RT @DrDawnPhD: Celebrating @BIS_spaceflight #InternationalSpaceDay & #communication🚀📡🛰🌜👽☄🌠🔭👐👍👏🖖 #BromsBSL #BSL #SSE @BromsSchool @BromsPrep… 0 0 2017 10/10/2017
Tweet 10/10/2017 05:38 PM RT @NThorpeBS: @OldBromsgrovian LC Kidd letter to his Father after notification of his MC 101 years ago today. Shot down two days later. #… 0 0 2017 10/10/2017