Tweet 26/05/2017 01:05 PM RT @BromsPrePrep: Year 2 enjoyed a fantastic African drumming workshop for their 'Out of Africa' topic yesterday. #BromsYr2 #BromsMusic ht… 0 0 2017 26/05/2017
Tweet 26/05/2017 01:09 PM RT @BromsPrep: Looking forward to watching the Y7 & 8 Sports Day action later... just like these Prep pupils at the IAPS Nationals last yea… 0 0 2017 26/05/2017
Tweet 26/05/2017 01:40 PM The temperature is certainly hotting up in #Bromsgrove. Our weather station is currently showing a temp of 26° Celsius @BromsgroveGeog. 0 0 2017 26/05/2017
Tweet 26/05/2017 02:14 PM RT @chri57380738: Pink grapefruit and pomegranate drizzle cake....nice and refreshing 0 0 2017 26/05/2017
Tweet 26/05/2017 02:14 PM RT @chri57380738: Chocomintymallow cupcakes at sports day today 0 0 2017 26/05/2017
Tweet 26/05/2017 02:14 PM RT @chri57380738: Beautiful day for another sports day at Prep School 0 0 2017 26/05/2017
Tweet 26/05/2017 04:30 PM Wishing everyone a happy and enjoyable half-term break. #SchoolsOut 0 0 2017 26/05/2017
Tweet 27/05/2017 02:18 PM RT @BromsPrep: Well done to all the Year 7 & 8 pupils at Sports Day. #BromsSport… 0 0 2017 27/05/2017
Tweet 28/05/2017 09:32 AM RT @BromsTheChicken: @wsfcgreenpower @Greenpowertrust @BromsSchool 1mm HIP sheet vac formed. Pine mould turned on the lathe, only just fits… 0 0 2017 28/05/2017
Tweet 29/05/2017 07:48 PM RT @schoolsportmag: Bromsgrove School @BromsSchool 138 bt Trent College 130 by 8 runs in School Sport Magazine National Schools U17 Cricket… 0 0 2017 29/05/2017
Tweet 30/05/2017 08:46 AM RT @WorcsCCC: Ben Cox's next catch for Worcestershire will be his 200th in the County's colours 0 0 2017 30/05/2017
Tweet 01/06/2017 08:14 AM RT @BromsPrep: Year 6 Young Citizens' Day at Bromsgrove Police & Fire Station. #BromsYr6 0 0 2017 01/06/2017
Tweet 01/06/2017 08:29 AM RT @BromsPrep: Well done to #BromsPrep pupil Matthew B who set a new School record in the Hammer event last week, with a throw of 36 metres… 0 0 2017 01/06/2017
Tweet 01/06/2017 09:48 AM #OnThisDay Remembering the Fallen #OldBromsgrovians 1914-1918: H. D. Head (School 1910-1913), died of wounds. Buried in France. 0 0 2017 01/06/2017
Tweet 01/06/2017 11:05 AM 100 yrs ago #OnThisDay Remembering the Fallen #OldBromsgrovians 1914-1918: N. F. Clarke of the Royal Flying Corps. Buried Sutton Coldfield 0 0 2017 01/06/2017
Tweet 01/06/2017 01:21 PM RT @war_fallen: Died 77 years ago between 31 May & 2nd June 1940 Spr Richard Smith aged 22 Royal Engineers:… #WW2 #D… 0 0 2017 01/06/2017
Tweet 01/06/2017 09:25 PM RT @kathrynlord1: Uniform exchanging room will be open this Saturday -3rd June from 9:30am to 12:30pm @BromsSchool 0 0 2017 01/06/2017
Tweet 02/06/2017 10:12 AM #OnThisDay Remembering the Fallen #OldBromsgrovians 1914-1918: A. C. Thomas (School 1902-1904), Ox & Bucks Light Infantry. Buried in Belgium 0 0 2017 02/06/2017
Tweet 02/06/2017 12:43 PM RT @TheBromsgrove: On this day... Edward Elgar was born (1857) in Lower Broadheath, Worcestershire. #BIMC 0 0 2017 02/06/2017
Tweet 04/06/2017 10:13 AM #OnThisDay Remembering the Fallen #OldBromsgrovians 1914-1918: E. G. Bennitt (School 1890), Royal Warwickshire. Buried in France. 0 0 2017 04/06/2017
Tweet 05/06/2017 02:33 PM Bookings are open for summer activity camps. Craft highlights - sunflower seed planting and making salt dough scented hangers #BromsCamps 0 0 2017 05/06/2017
Tweet 05/06/2017 06:29 PM #UCAS Apply 2018 is open! Start your application now, so it’s ready to submit in September. #BromsFutures 0 0 2017 05/06/2017
Tweet 06/06/2017 08:09 AM Well done Justin! #OldBromsgrovian… 0 0 2017 06/06/2017
Tweet 06/06/2017 08:27 AM Uniform Ex-Changing Room opening times during the Summer holidays. #BromsUniform 0 0 2017 06/06/2017
Tweet 06/06/2017 08:32 AM IB and A level biologists in Port Talbot for their biology field trip. #BromsBio 0 0 2017 06/06/2017
Tweet 06/06/2017 08:41 AM It was great to see two #OldBromsgrovian names in the England U20 squad again over the weekend. Congrats Justin and Henry! #BromsSport… 0 0 2017 06/06/2017
Tweet 06/06/2017 02:48 PM RT @NThorpeBS: Excellent visit to @IWMNorth immersed in projections and sound and inspired by the great av staff to try smaller scale versi… 0 0 2017 06/06/2017
Tweet 06/06/2017 10:05 PM RT @war_fallen: Died 101 years ago 4th June 1916, L/Cpl Ernest Bennitt aged 43, Royal Warks Regt:… #WW1 @thewarwicks… 0 0 2017 06/06/2017
Tweet 07/06/2017 09:09 AM Struggling to find something to do over the Summer? Our #Activity day camps are for 8-13 yr olds. MORE: #BromsCamps 0 0 2017 07/06/2017
Tweet 07/06/2017 09:27 AM Good luck to everyone @HolroydHowe awards tomorrow, but esp our two shortlisted @sillingworth7 & @chri57380738. #AlwaysWinners #BromsFood… 0 0 2017 07/06/2017
Tweet 08/06/2017 08:12 AM Biologists enjoying a less rainy day yesterday during their field trip. #BromsBio 0 0 2017 08/06/2017
Tweet 08/06/2017 08:16 AM RT @BromsPrep: Well done to the #BromsPrep U11A girls who were awarded a bronze in the @RGSWorcester rounders tournament yesterday. #BromsS… 0 0 2017 08/06/2017
Tweet 08/06/2017 09:45 AM RT @BromsPrep: The first of the 'Marmite' taster sessions took place at #BromsPrep with pupils enjoying an intro to the theme of "That's no… 0 0 2017 08/06/2017
Tweet 08/06/2017 09:45 AM RT @BromsPrep: This morning Year 8 were treated to an introduction to debating by the @BromsSchool debating team. #BromsDebating #BromsYr8… 0 0 2017 08/06/2017
Tweet 08/06/2017 10:14 AM #OnThisDay Remembering the Fallen #OldBromsgrovians 1914-1918: H.A. Butt (School 1877-1882), Gloucestershire Regiment. Buried in France. 0 0 2017 08/06/2017
Tweet 08/06/2017 10:15 AM #OnThisDay Remembering the Fallen #OldBromsgrovians 1914-1918: J. V. Lauria (School 1906-1908), York & Lancaster Regiment. Buried in France. 0 0 2017 08/06/2017
Tweet 08/06/2017 11:20 AM RT @OldBromsgrovian: #OldBromsgrovian Claire Bennison is undertaking the CB Jersey Challenge. You can read about her Stage 2 update at http… 0 0 2017 08/06/2017
Tweet 08/06/2017 11:20 AM RT @OldBromsgrovian: We wish Claire, who was in Oakley House between 1984 and 1989, the very best as she continues on her epic challenge. G… 0 0 2017 08/06/2017
Tweet 08/06/2017 01:09 PM Thank you @terryfox666. #BromsSport #BromsPrep… 0 0 2017 08/06/2017
Tweet 08/06/2017 02:21 PM RT @BromsPrePrep: Pre-School participated in their own election today, complete with polling station where they could vote for their prefer… 0 0 2017 08/06/2017
Tweet 08/06/2017 03:46 PM Good luck once more to @Walker1998Henry and @clegg8 ahead of the final pool game v Australia today. #OldBromsgrovians #BromsRugby… 0 0 2017 08/06/2017
Tweet 08/06/2017 05:42 PM RT @tomraty92: Suppers tonight @BromsSchool @sgiles1978 @HolroydHowe 0 0 2017 08/06/2017
Tweet 08/06/2017 05:42 PM RT @hayleyjones264: @HolroydHowe suppers tonight @BromsSchool Done by Tracy Lewis and Tom Radcliffe @tomraty92 0 0 2017 08/06/2017
Tweet 08/06/2017 05:42 PM RT @kmstempest: Thank you for a great morning Bromsgrove Prep @BromsSchool. So well organised and lots of smiles. #lookinggoodwithtempest… 0 0 2017 08/06/2017
Tweet 08/06/2017 06:25 PM RT @BromsgroveChef: Good luck to our two finalists at tonight's #hhpeopleawards17 Fingers crossed we come away with a @BromsSchool @BromsPr… 0 0 2017 08/06/2017
Tweet 08/06/2017 06:58 PM Wishing @sillingworth7 and @chri57380738 a great evening @HolroydHowe People Awards. #FingersCrossed #BromsFood… 0 0 2017 08/06/2017
Tweet 08/06/2017 07:03 PM RT @sillingworth7: Hello from table 12 #hhpeopleawards17 @HolroydHowe @BromsSchool 0 0 2017 08/06/2017
Tweet 08/06/2017 08:07 PM Congrats @sillingworth7! #BromsFood #hhpeopleawards17… 0 0 2017 08/06/2017