Tweet 13/06/2013 02:33 PM #economics of terrorism -"the direct costs for 9/11 were $82-95bn." #lectureweek 0 0 2013 13/06/2013
Tweet 13/06/2013 02:36 PM #economics of terrorism "the wider impact of 9/11 10 years later was $3.3 trillion" #lectureweek 0 0 2013 13/06/2013
Tweet 13/06/2013 02:39 PM #economics of terrorism "US spending billions now on homeland security" #lectureweek 0 0 2013 13/06/2013
Tweet 13/06/2013 02:42 PM #economics of terrorism "long term impacts of a terror attack include lower living standards, delays and security checks..." #lectureweek 0 0 2013 13/06/2013
Tweet 13/06/2013 02:44 PM #economics of terrorism "Obama says it is impossible to have 100% security AND 100% privacy" #lectureweek 0 0 2013 13/06/2013
Tweet 13/06/2013 02:47 PM #economics of terrorism "money laundering has a huge economic impact and legitimate business can't compete" #lectureweek 0 0 2013 13/06/2013
Tweet 13/06/2013 02:56 PM #economics of terrorism "what are the causes of terrorism?" #lectureweek 0 0 2013 13/06/2013
Tweet 13/06/2013 03:02 PM Another brilliant #economics lecture on terrorism this afternoon by Mr Wingfield. #lectureweek 0 0 2013 13/06/2013
Tweet 13/06/2013 03:06 PM And that brings today's lectures to a close - we look forward to tomorrow's sessions. #lectureweek 0 0 2013 13/06/2013
Tweet 13/06/2013 03:14 PM @JBoonnak @BromsBKK Sounds great - we'll keep an eye on their progress. 0 0 2013 13/06/2013
Tweet 14/06/2013 07:49 AM We look forward to welcoming the new Year 5 pupils in Sept for an induction day at the Prep School with the current Year 4. #introductions 0 0 2013 14/06/2013
Tweet 14/06/2013 08:11 AM L4 Geographers (classes H, J, K and N) travelled to the Carding Mill Valley near Church Stretton for a field day. 0 0 2013 14/06/2013
Tweet 14/06/2013 08:56 AM Friday's #lectureweek sessions begin at 9am. First up is #chocolate (the business of chocolate and its making) at Housman Hall. #yum 0 0 2013 14/06/2013
Tweet 14/06/2013 08:57 AM #lectureweek the chocolate is currently being prepared and moulds at the ready! #chocolate 0 0 2013 14/06/2013
Tweet 14/06/2013 09:14 AM #chocolate Pupils will be making chocolate hedgehogs today with Charles Hardy, our chocolatier #lectureweek 0 0 2013 14/06/2013
Tweet 14/06/2013 09:26 AM #chocolate making a funnel for the melted chocolate #lectureweek 0 0 2013 14/06/2013
Tweet 14/06/2013 09:43 AM #lectureweek Up next is Mr Ruben's lecture on #Revolutions. 0 0 2013 14/06/2013
Tweet 14/06/2013 10:01 AM #Revolutions @"Paraguay 1870-1940?14 civil wars. Dr Pavia gained power in coup in 1937" says Mr Ruben #lectureweek 0 0 2013 14/06/2013
Tweet 14/06/2013 10:03 AM #Revolutions "Why do you have big revolutions?" Asks Mr Ruben #lectureweek 0 0 2013 14/06/2013
Tweet 14/06/2013 10:06 AM #Revolutions "Arab Spring 2010 began in Tunisia.Growth rate goes down and revolt happens" US says revolution happens when people are unhappy 0 0 2013 14/06/2013
Tweet 14/06/2013 10:07 AM #Revolution "Left wing thought - Prouhdon. All property is theft. Property is made socially" #lectureweek 0 0 2013 14/06/2013
Tweet 14/06/2013 10:08 AM #Revolutions "there can be no freedom without equality" Prouhdon #lectureweek 0 0 2013 14/06/2013
Tweet 14/06/2013 10:10 AM #Revolutions "Karl Marx is an historian. History is all about economics." #lectureweek 0 0 2013 14/06/2013
Tweet 14/06/2013 10:15 AM #Revolutions "Marxism - revolution when government no longer reflects the new economic system" #lectureweek 0 0 2013 14/06/2013
Tweet 14/06/2013 10:16 AM #Revolutions "the first country to modernise and have a modern revolution was Britain (English Civil War)" #lectureweek 0 0 2013 14/06/2013
Tweet 14/06/2013 10:19 AM #Revolutions "Marx is hugely influential. Marxism has a clear view of history, politics, religion, society" #lectureweek 0 0 2013 14/06/2013
Tweet 14/06/2013 10:23 AM #Revolutions "the history of all hither to society" - Karl Marx #lectureweek 0 0 2013 14/06/2013
Tweet 14/06/2013 10:25 AM #Revolutions "You can argue that Lenin was the first 20th Century Philosopher" #lectureweek 0 0 2013 14/06/2013
Tweet 14/06/2013 10:27 AM #Revolutions "in 1864 there was a meeting of the First Workers' International. Marx said replace the govt" #lectureweek 0 0 2013 14/06/2013
Tweet 14/06/2013 10:29 AM #Revolutions "how history really works... Is it about social change?" #lectureweek 0 0 2013 14/06/2013
Tweet 14/06/2013 10:29 AM #Revolutions "Structuralists argue that Governments are the most important" #lectureweek 0 0 2013 14/06/2013
Tweet 14/06/2013 10:39 AM #Revolutions "Lenin promised bread and peace" #lectureweek 0 0 2013 14/06/2013
Tweet 14/06/2013 10:41 AM #Revolutions "There is no progress in history" #lectureweek 0 0 2013 14/06/2013
Tweet 14/06/2013 10:52 AM Thank you to Mr Ruben for a very energetic lecture on #Revolutions for #lectureweek. 0 0 2013 14/06/2013