Tweet 22/04/2017 10:11 AM It's a super sunny Saturday on the first weekend of the Summer Term at #BromsgroveSchool. 0 0 2017 22/04/2017
Tweet 22/04/2017 11:13 AM RT @ischoolsshow: #schoolsshow #Istanbul is next weekend. Meet @AiglonCollege @BedalesSchool @BromsSchool @ChelseaIndColl and more https://… 0 0 2017 22/04/2017
Tweet 22/04/2017 04:51 PM RT @BromsTheChicken: KFC - Karbon Fibre Chicken is nearly ready for the season opener.... @BromsSchool @Greenpowertrust… 0 0 2017 22/04/2017
Tweet 22/04/2017 06:30 PM We hope you've had a good day of athletics with us @MCSSportOxford. #BromsSport… 0 0 2017 22/04/2017
Tweet 22/04/2017 10:27 PM We're pleased to hear that @DenstoneSport. Thanks for joining us. #BromsSport… 0 0 2017 22/04/2017
Tweet 23/04/2017 10:08 AM #OnThisDay Remembering the Fallen #OldBromsgrovians 1914-1918: J.H. Beilby of Worcestershire Yeomanry. Killed on 23/04/1916. 0 0 2017 23/04/2017
Tweet 23/04/2017 10:09 AM #OnThisDay Remembering the Fallen #OldBromsgrovians 1914-1918: R. E. Surman (School 1906), Worcestershire Yeomanry. Buried in Israel. 0 0 2017 23/04/2017
Tweet 23/04/2017 10:59 AM 100 yrs ago #OnThisDay Remembering the Fallen #OldBromsgrovians 1914-1918: F. H. M. Collier of the Sherwood Foresters. Buried in France. 0 0 2017 23/04/2017
Tweet 23/04/2017 11:01 AM 100 yrs ago #OnThisDay Remembering the Fallen #OldBromsgrovians 1914-1918: G. L. Spreckley (School 1902-1907), King's Royal Rifle Corps. 0 0 2017 23/04/2017
Tweet 24/04/2017 08:03 AM RT @BromsCricket: @BromsCricket u14a win by 20 runs. Well done boys. 0 0 2017 24/04/2017
Tweet 24/04/2017 08:03 AM RT @BromsCricket: @BromsCricket u14b, played two shorter matches today v @CricketClifton winning both. 0 0 2017 24/04/2017
Tweet 24/04/2017 08:03 AM RT @BromsCricket: @BromsCricket cricket v WCCC young academy. 50-50. Lost the toss, bowling. 0 0 2017 24/04/2017
Tweet 24/04/2017 08:03 AM RT @BromsCricket: @BromsCricket win by 1 wicket, 1 over to spare. 0 0 2017 24/04/2017
Tweet 24/04/2017 08:16 AM RT @war_fallen: Died 71 years ago 22nd April 1946, Lieutenant Colonel Donald Price aged 28, Dorsetshire Regiment:… #… 0 0 2017 24/04/2017
Tweet 24/04/2017 08:16 AM RT @war_fallen: Died 102 years ago 22nd April 1915, Private Percy Bigwood, Auckland Regiment NZEF:… #WW1 @100Anzacda… 0 0 2017 24/04/2017
Tweet 24/04/2017 10:11 AM RT @BromsPrep: Over the Easter holidays, Stuart S played in the U14 Doubles event at the Edinburgh Waverley Tennis Open... (1/3) #BromsSport 0 0 2017 24/04/2017
Tweet 24/04/2017 10:11 AM RT @BromsPrep: (2/3) ...Stuart & his partner progressed through the early rounds & semi-final to contest an exciting final which they won i… 0 0 2017 24/04/2017
Tweet 24/04/2017 10:11 AM RT @BromsPrep: (3/3) As 2017 U14 Doubles champions, Stuart & partner will have their names engraved on a trophy that has Jamie Murray as a… 0 0 2017 24/04/2017
Tweet 24/04/2017 12:08 PM RT @BromsPrep: Year 8 are spending time with @sirlinkalot today. In this session, pupils are learning methods of how to remember spellings… 0 0 2017 24/04/2017
Tweet 24/04/2017 12:08 PM RT @BromsPrep: Andy Salmon @sirlinkalot is with us today, helping Year 8 pupils with study skills. #BromsYr8 0 0 2017 24/04/2017
Tweet 24/04/2017 02:29 PM Our Summer Activity Day Camps comprise of fun daily activities held at #BromsgroveSchool for children aged 8 -13. 0 0 2017 24/04/2017
Tweet 24/04/2017 03:28 PM #BromsFutures Got decisions from all your choices? Check when you need to reply by on #UCAS’ key dates page 0 0 2017 24/04/2017
Tweet 24/04/2017 03:33 PM On Sunday, twenty-four of our leading male tennis players took part in the Rugby Schools' Tennis Open... (1/4) #BromsSport 0 0 2017 24/04/2017
Tweet 24/04/2017 03:34 PM (2/4) ...In particular, Stuart S & Cameron O achieved great success but were sadly knocked out in the semi-final... #BromsSport 0 0 2017 24/04/2017
Tweet 24/04/2017 03:34 PM (3/4) ... Overall, Stuart & Owen achieved third place after winning the 3rd/4th playoff round against Shrewsbury in a doubles tiebreak... 0 0 2017 24/04/2017
Tweet 24/04/2017 03:35 PM (4/4) ... Alex C paired up with Maxim E managed to win the consolation draw, also in the U15 age group category. #BromsSport #BromsTennis 0 0 2017 24/04/2017
Tweet 24/04/2017 03:36 PM Well done to all twenty-four pupils on their achievements at the Tennis Open over the weekend. #BromsSport #BromsTennis 0 0 2017 24/04/2017
Tweet 24/04/2017 03:36 PM RT @schoolsgolf: ALL SET FOR DAY 2 OF ISGA NATIONAL FINALS @rsgproshop LIVE SCORES 0 0 2017 24/04/2017
Tweet 24/04/2017 03:53 PM Well done to Abbie S and Orla W who represented the West Midlands in @LondonMarathon mini marathon yesterday. #BromsSport 0 0 2017 24/04/2017
Tweet 24/04/2017 04:26 PM #OldBromsgrovian Clive Bromilow (1963-1968) popped by the School this morning for a tour, visiting from South Africa, where he now lives. 0 0 2017 24/04/2017
Tweet 24/04/2017 04:35 PM Well done to Brian H who has been awarded the Dean’s Physiotherapy Scholarship for Int'l Students @Bruneluni @BromsFutures #BromsFutures 0 0 2017 24/04/2017
Tweet 24/04/2017 04:37 PM Live scores from the @schoolsgolf National Final can be seen at #BromsSport #BromsGolf 0 0 2017 24/04/2017
Tweet 24/04/2017 04:52 PM RT @BromsPrep: Thank you to @sirlinkalot for spending the day with us at #BromsPrep. We hope our parents enjoy the presentation this evenin… 0 0 2017 24/04/2017
Tweet 24/04/2017 04:52 PM RT @BromsgroveChef: Changing things up a bit @BromsPrep @HolroydHowe 0 0 2017 24/04/2017
Tweet 24/04/2017 05:02 PM Read the latest #BromsService blog on 'How to have a successful exam session this Summer'. READ MORE: 0 0 2017 24/04/2017
Tweet 24/04/2017 09:11 PM RT @Hannah_L_Morgan: Great evening @sirlinkalot , I can't wait to show the kids these links. @BromsSchool thank you. #mondaymotivation http… 0 0 2017 24/04/2017
Tweet 25/04/2017 08:26 AM RT @BromsPrep: .@MalvernShows (3/3) ...Please come and visit our show garden on 11-14th May @MalvernShows at The Three Counties Showground,… 0 0 2017 25/04/2017
Tweet 25/04/2017 08:26 AM RT @BromsPrep: .@MalvernShows (2/3) ...The outline structure is well under way and ready for the pupils to fill with soil on Thursday... 0 0 2017 25/04/2017
Tweet 25/04/2017 08:27 AM RT @BromsPrep: The day finally arrived, after 12 months of planning and preparation, the first posts were laid for our School garden @Malve… 0 0 2017 25/04/2017
Tweet 25/04/2017 05:45 PM RT @ischoolsshow: @BromsSchool has the freedom of Llanwrtyd Wells in Wales where pupils were evacuated during WWII. Find out more https://t… 0 0 2017 25/04/2017
Tweet 25/04/2017 05:47 PM RT @BromsPrePrep: Pupils in Pre-School and Reception enjoyed a day of activities to celebrate #StGeorgesDay. READ MORE:… 0 0 2017 25/04/2017
Tweet 25/04/2017 06:49 PM #OldBromsgrovian Jonathan Finn presented a seminar on the European Convention on Human Rights. Jonathan lectures @AstonLawNews #BromsFutures 0 0 2017 25/04/2017
Tweet 26/04/2017 07:50 AM Congratulations to our pupils who have passed their @LAMDAdrama examinations. READ MORE: #BromsDrama 0 0 2017 26/04/2017
Tweet 26/04/2017 08:01 AM What a contrasting day yesterday was - a hail storm amongst our beautiful Spring blossom on Gordon Green. 0 0 2017 26/04/2017
Tweet 26/04/2017 10:58 AM Setting up for the Whole School photograph this lunchtime. 0 0 2017 26/04/2017
Tweet 26/04/2017 11:55 AM RT @BromsPrePrep: A scrumptious time was had by Yr 1 pupils @CadburyWorld. They learnt about the chocolate bean journey from Ghana to Bourn… 0 0 2017 26/04/2017