Tweet 18/08/2016 07:43 AM Have you received your A level results today? Tweet us your celebratory selfies using #MyBromsResults. 0 0 2016 18/08/2016
Tweet 18/08/2016 08:18 AM #BromsResults You can access the Pupil Portal for #alevelresults directly at 0 0 2016 18/08/2016
Tweet 18/08/2016 08:19 AM #BromsResults Similarly, Parents can access their Portal directly at 0 0 2016 18/08/2016
Tweet 18/08/2016 08:59 AM RT @BBCSchoolReport: Record number of university places offered as @ucas_online report an increase of 3% on last year #alevelresults https:… 0 0 2016 18/08/2016
Tweet 18/08/2016 09:15 AM #BromsResults Bromsgrove School has once again recorded outstanding A level & BTEC results 0 0 2016 18/08/2016
Tweet 18/08/2016 09:17 AM #BromsResults #ALevelResults 15.7% of A level candidates gained A* grades, 60% gained A* or A and 86% gained A* to B grades. 0 0 2016 18/08/2016
Tweet 18/08/2016 09:17 AM #BromsResults In BTEC every single entry was graded at least Distinction with 34 Distinction* grades (equivalent to A* at A level). 0 0 2016 18/08/2016
Tweet 18/08/2016 09:22 AM Thank you @UoNOutreach. We hope some of our pupils are looking forward to joining your uni next month. #BromsResults… 0 0 2016 18/08/2016
Tweet 18/08/2016 09:22 AM RT @UoNOutreach: @BromsSchool Congratulations on your fantastic results!… 0 0 2016 18/08/2016
Tweet 18/08/2016 09:31 AM RT @OldBromsgrovian: Well done #Classof2016! You are now all officially #OldBromsgrovians. Enjoy your celebrations. #BromsResults #ALevel h… 0 0 2016 18/08/2016
Tweet 18/08/2016 09:57 AM Thank you @FastPastPapers - we are very proud of all our pupils. #BromsResults #ALevelResults… 0 0 2016 18/08/2016
Tweet 18/08/2016 09:57 AM RT @FastPastPapers: @BromsSchool Brilliant BTEC & A-level results! Many congratulations to all of your students, staff and families.#result… 0 0 2016 18/08/2016
Tweet 18/08/2016 10:06 AM RT @ucas_online: Congratulations if your place at uni or college has been confirmed! #Alevelresults 0 0 2016 18/08/2016
Tweet 18/08/2016 10:26 AM Thank you for your tweet @SchoolsCup. Lots of #BromsgroveSchool players collecting A level and BTEC results today!… 0 0 2016 18/08/2016
Tweet 18/08/2016 10:30 AM Congratulations @willedwards20. We hope you enjoy #ExeterUni. Keep in touch! #MyBromsResults #alevelresults… 0 0 2016 18/08/2016
Tweet 18/08/2016 10:33 AM Well done @alice4757. What will you read at Cambridge? Enjoy your celebrations and do keep in touch! #MyBromsResults… 0 0 2016 18/08/2016
Tweet 18/08/2016 10:36 AM RT @SchoolsCup: Good luck to all #NatWestSchoolsCup players and supporters receiving their A Level results today! 🎓💯📚 0 0 2016 18/08/2016
Tweet 18/08/2016 10:45 AM Thomas L & Karan G celebrating their places @UniofOxford & Leicester Medical School respectively. #MyBromsResults 0 0 2016 18/08/2016
Tweet 18/08/2016 10:54 AM .@harrietgoucher Congratulations on getting into @BristolUni. Do keep in touch and let us know how you get on! #MyBromsResults 0 0 2016 18/08/2016
Tweet 18/08/2016 11:08 AM RT @BromsPrep: #BromsResults We're exceptionally proud of our #BromsgrovePrep Survivors achieving their A level, IB & BTEC results. https:/… 0 0 2016 18/08/2016
Tweet 18/08/2016 11:08 AM RT @BromsPrePrep: Well done to all #BromsPrePrep Survivors collecting results. We remember you in Nursery & Reception on your 1st day! http… 0 0 2016 18/08/2016
Tweet 18/08/2016 11:17 AM RT @unibirmingham: Excited much? Congratulations to everyone joining us! You'll be here very soon! #hellobrum 0 0 2016 18/08/2016
Tweet 18/08/2016 11:17 AM RT @tele_education: About to make the #Clearing phone call? Here's what to remember #ALevelResults…… 0 0 2016 18/08/2016
Tweet 18/08/2016 11:20 AM Congratulations to all of you @arhbrown @georgi_lordx @CharFraser__x. Which unis are you going on to? #MyBromsResults 0 0 2016 18/08/2016
Tweet 18/08/2016 11:37 AM .@UniofExeter is a popular choice - you're sure to find lots of #OldBromsgrovians already there @arhbrown! Good luck… 0 0 2016 18/08/2016
Tweet 18/08/2016 11:51 AM #BromsResults We are delighted the two Heads of School have created School history by both securing Oxbridge places. 0 0 2016 18/08/2016
Tweet 18/08/2016 11:53 AM #BromsResults Headboy, William Lockhart, gained A*, A* A in Chemistry, Maths & Economics. He will go on to read Land Economy @UniCambridge. 0 0 2016 18/08/2016
Tweet 18/08/2016 11:53 AM #BromsResults Headgirl, Kate Edgington, who gained A* A A also goes to Cambridge to study Law at Queens College. 0 0 2016 18/08/2016
Tweet 18/08/2016 12:02 PM Keep sending those #MyBromsResults selfies to us wherever you are in the world. #ResultsDay #BromsResults 0 0 2016 18/08/2016
Tweet 18/08/2016 01:05 PM Fantastic news - well done @Fraser_Foster. Best of luck @lborouniversity and keep in touch. #MyBromsResults… 0 0 2016 18/08/2016
Tweet 18/08/2016 01:06 PM Congratulations @kate_edgington. @CambridgeLaw are waiting for you...! #MyBromsResults… 0 0 2016 18/08/2016
Tweet 18/08/2016 01:06 PM RT @cambridgelaw: @BromsSchool congratulations to Kate! We look forward to welcoming her here when she arrives at the start of term :) 0 0 2016 18/08/2016
Tweet 18/08/2016 01:08 PM Great photo @Fraser_Foster! Nice of @lborouniversity to add that touch too. Can we use this photo on our FB page?… 0 0 2016 18/08/2016
Tweet 18/08/2016 01:24 PM #BromsResults Congratulations to the Upper Sixth Class of 2016 on a superb set of A level, BTEC and IB results. 0 0 2016 18/08/2016
Tweet 18/08/2016 03:08 PM #BromsArchives #ThrowbackThursday to A level Results Day in 2007. Who remembers? Are you in the photo? 0 0 2016 18/08/2016
Tweet 18/08/2016 03:19 PM We think our #Classof2016 leavers might appreciate this... Enjoy your #Alevel celebrations!… 0 0 2016 18/08/2016
Tweet 18/08/2016 03:20 PM RT @NationalCareers: Sophie Graham @NationalCareers is now online to take your A-Level result & clearing questions @GDNStudents live chat h… 0 0 2016 18/08/2016
Tweet 18/08/2016 03:34 PM Thank you @BSAboarding - we're very pleased and proud of the pupils' achievements. #BromsResults #ALevelResults… 0 0 2016 18/08/2016
Tweet 18/08/2016 03:34 PM RT @BSAboarding: Amazing #alevelresults and #btecresults from @DoverCollege and @BromsSchool who also achieved great IB results https://t.c… 0 0 2016 18/08/2016
Tweet 18/08/2016 04:03 PM We hope the students are having an enjoyable #PyjamaParty! #BromsCamps #BromsSummerSchool… 0 0 2016 18/08/2016
Tweet 18/08/2016 04:03 PM RT @sd_hotchin: @BromsSchool Onesies, pyjamas, popcorn and a good film #pyjamaparty #SummerSchool 0 0 2016 18/08/2016
Tweet 18/08/2016 04:04 PM RT @ucas_online: Are your #examresults better than expected? You may be able to use #Adjustment… 0 0 2016 18/08/2016
Tweet 18/08/2016 09:51 PM RT @Keysonomics: #proudtobeyourteacher… 0 0 2016 18/08/2016
Tweet 18/08/2016 09:52 PM Thank you @HMC_Org. #BromsResults… 0 0 2016 18/08/2016
Tweet 18/08/2016 09:52 PM RT @HMC_Org: Congrats @BromsSchool #Alevelresults 60% A*/A #btecresults 34/43 Distinction* #HMCschools… 0 0 2016 18/08/2016
Tweet 20/08/2016 09:34 AM Best wishes to Henry Walker and the rest of the @EnglandRugby U18 team for the #SATour match against South Africa Schools later. 0 0 2016 20/08/2016
Tweet 20/08/2016 04:47 PM RT @CambridgeLandEc: Great job, William from @BromsSchool! We're excited to meet you this fall #becambridge 0 0 2016 20/08/2016