Tweet 06/05/2020 03:49 PM Our Year 1 staff enjoyed a catch up on Zoom earlier today. They are missing seeing all the pupils and staff at School. #BromsgroviansAtHome #BromsYr1 0 0 2020 06/05/2020
Tweet 07/05/2020 01:22 PM The children in Nursery have been on a rainbow scavenger hunt today, and created their own rainbows at home. #BromsgroviansAtHome #BromsNursery #SchoolProject 0 0 2020 07/05/2020
Tweet 07/05/2020 05:33 PM RT @BromsSchool: Connor (Year 2) completed his 3D rainforest as part of Year 2's topic. He absolutely adores gorillas so loved creating thi… 0 0 2020 07/05/2020
Tweet 08/05/2020 07:30 AM Our Year 1 pupils and parents have put together this very special recording for the 75th Anniversary of #VEDay. VIDEO: #BromsgroviansAtHome #BromsYr1 #VEDay75 @NThorpeBS @BromsSc… 0 0 2020 08/05/2020
Tweet 08/05/2020 12:57 PM RT @Hannah_L_Morgan: Our year 1’s are doing so much to keep in touch. xxx 0 0 2020 08/05/2020
Tweet 08/05/2020 12:57 PM RT @BromsPrep: Darcy (Year 4) and Edward (Year 2 @BromsPrePrep) are making their #VEDay scones this morning. #BromsgroviansAtHome #VEDay7… 0 0 2020 08/05/2020
Tweet 08/05/2020 12:58 PM Anushka G (Reception) showing her interest in the topic of the week, Big Red Bus. #BromsgroviansAtHome #BromsReception #SchoolTopic 0 0 2020 08/05/2020
Tweet 08/05/2020 01:05 PM Stephania D's (Year 2) homemade bunting for #VEDay. #BromsgroviansAtHome #BromsYr2 #VEDay75 0 0 2020 08/05/2020
Tweet 08/05/2020 03:41 PM Ellie-Anna (Year 1) and Hayden B (Year 4) have enjoyed celebrating #VEDay at home, complete with a traditional afternoon tea. #BromsgroviansAtHome #BromsYr1 #BromsYr4 #VEDay75 0 0 2020 08/05/2020
Tweet 08/05/2020 03:41 PM RT @BromsPrep: Erica (Year 5) and Imogen L (Year 1 @BromsPrePrep) have enjoyed their homemade biscuits and scones for #VEDay. #Bromsgrovian… 0 0 2020 08/05/2020
Tweet 08/05/2020 06:35 PM RT @BromsPrep: Seth B (Year 6) playing a pull shot for his skills challenge. #BromsgroviansAtHome #BromsYr6 #BromsSport @BromsPrePrep @Brom… 0 0 2020 08/05/2020
Tweet 08/05/2020 07:17 PM Amélie (Year 2) and Isabelle (Year 1) send a heartfelt message to all those who made sacrifices 75 years ago so we are able to enjoy our freedom today. #BromsgroviansAtHome #BromsYr2 #BromsYr1 #VEDay… 0 0 2020 08/05/2020