Tweet 17/11/2021 05:45 PM Pupils in Years 3, 4 and 5 have been earning lots of ‘Caught you being Kind’ vouchers for kind behaviour this week. #BromsKindnessWeek #OneKindWord #BeKind 0 0 2021 17/11/2021
Tweet 18/11/2021 08:00 AM Today, we’d love to say #ThankYou to the people in our lives who’ve shown us kindness. It could be thanks to a friend or someone else who has always been there for you. Who are you thankful to? #Brom… 0 0 2021 18/11/2021
Tweet 18/11/2021 08:05 AM Fill in the blanks and let us know who has shown kindness to you. Remember to use the hashtags #OneKindWord and #BromsKindnessWeek in your posts. 0 0 2021 18/11/2021
Tweet 18/11/2021 08:58 AM Year 5 boys enjoyed their cross-country run before rugby in their games session yesterday. #BromsYr5 #BromsXC #BromsSport #SchoolSport 0 0 2021 18/11/2021
Tweet 18/11/2021 09:57 AM As part of Kindness Week, Emily K (Year 4) has designed her own reusable shopping bag to help spread the kindness message. It reads “Be as kind as you can be”. #BromsKindnessWeek #OneKindWord 0 0 2021 18/11/2021
Tweet 18/11/2021 02:24 PM RT @BromsMusic: Year 3 are starting to make their way over to Routh Hall for their Year 3 String Presentation this afternoon! We look forwa… 0 0 2021 18/11/2021
Tweet 18/11/2021 02:55 PM Year 3 Strings Concert 2021: The Violins are next with ‘Down Up’ #BromsMusic #BromsYr3 #BromsConcerts 0 0 2021 18/11/2021
Tweet 18/11/2021 02:58 PM Year 3 Strings Concert 2021: The Violas perform ‘Manhattan’ #BromsMusic #BromsYr3 #BromsConcerts 0 0 2021 18/11/2021
Tweet 18/11/2021 03:03 PM Year 3 Strings Concert 2021: ‘Boogie Band’ by the Cellos #BromsMusic #BromsYr3 #BromsConcerts 0 0 2021 18/11/2021
Tweet 18/11/2021 03:06 PM Year 3 Strings Concert 2021: It’s ‘Showtime’ for the Double Bass #BromsMusic #BromsYr3 #BromsConcerts 0 0 2021 18/11/2021
Tweet 18/11/2021 03:08 PM Year 3 Strings Concert 2021: To finish the afternoon, our musicians all come together again to perform ‘Witches Brew’ #BromsMusic #BromsYr3 #BromsConcerts 0 0 2021 18/11/2021
Tweet 18/11/2021 03:40 PM RT @BromsMusic: 🎻All our Year 3s have now done their rehearsals ahead of the Year 3 String Presentation later today! Concert begins at 2:45… 0 0 2021 18/11/2021
Tweet 18/11/2021 03:41 PM The Year 6 Buddies are spreading an important message around the School this week - ‘Spread kindness around like confetti.’ #BromsYr6 #BromsKindnessWeek #OneKindWord 0 0 2021 18/11/2021
Tweet 18/11/2021 03:52 PM RT @ABAonline: @BromsPrep @BromsSchool @BromsPrepHead Well done Year 6 Buddies👏 #AntiBullyingWeek #OneKindWord 0 0 2021 18/11/2021
Tweet 18/11/2021 03:53 PM Year 4 enjoyed creating acrostic poems about kindness. The pupils enjoyed reading Kitty C’s poem, which included some lovely messages about being kind. #BromsKindnessWeek #OneKindWord #BromsYr4 0 0 2021 18/11/2021
Tweet 18/11/2021 04:01 PM Year 6 are making their own French board games - a great opportunity for collaborative working and a creative way to use the language they have been learning. #BromsYr6 #BromsModLang 0 0 2021 18/11/2021
Tweet 18/11/2021 04:11 PM Boarders from Years 3, 4 and 5 created cards for members of staff in @BromsPage to say ‘thank you' for their kindness. #BromsKindnessWeek #OneKindWord #BromsYr3 #BromsYr4 #BromsYr5 0 0 2021 18/11/2021
Tweet 18/11/2021 04:14 PM Mrs Boardman and the Prep School Photography club have worked on the topic of 'Kindness' and came up with this wonderful PowerPoint of poignant imagery and messages. #BromsPhotoClub #BromsKindnessWee… 0 0 2021 18/11/2021
Tweet 18/11/2021 06:06 PM Thank you to Mr Barnett, a member of the Kindness Team at the Prep School, for an informative assembly this morning. It definitely gave Years 6, 7 and 8 plenty to think about around the importance of… 0 0 2021 18/11/2021
Tweet 18/11/2021 07:09 PM Mr Lee, Deputy Head (Pastoral) @BromsPrepDHP, introduced a wonderful new initiative to Years 6-8 this year, and the staff have been getting involved too. Kindness Cards can be written to anyone and t… 0 0 2021 18/11/2021
Tweet 18/11/2021 07:20 PM RT @BromsPrepSport: Year 4 boys during their rugby training today. #BromsYr4 #BromsSport #BromsRugby #SchoolSport 0 0 2021 18/11/2021
Tweet 19/11/2021 08:00 AM As Anti-Bullying Week comes to an end; this is a reminder that anti-bullying isn’t just for one week. Find out more here: #BromsKindnessWeek #AntiBullying… 0 0 2021 19/11/2021
Tweet 19/11/2021 08:51 AM RT @BromsPage: Boarders from Page House are all set for @BBCCiN. 0 0 2021 19/11/2021
Tweet 19/11/2021 11:19 AM The U12 IAPS National Hockey finals are well underway at Repton School. First score line 1 - 1 against Millfield. #BromsSport #BromsHockey #SchoolSport 0 0 2021 19/11/2021