Tweet 29/04/2021 08:22 AM Year 5 Eco Committee members have delivered a presentation to pupils explaining what #SwitchOffFortnight is all about. Pupils are encouraged to switch off lights and whiteboards in an effort to reduc… 0 0 2021 29/04/2021
Tweet 29/04/2021 08:22 AM RT @BromsSchool: #ThrowbackThursday to the @BromsPrep Production of Bugsy Malone, as featured in the Junior Bromsgrovian 2000/01 "It's a f… 0 0 2021 29/04/2021
Tweet 29/04/2021 09:04 AM The Eco Committee are keen to encourage everyone to recycle - here is a list of the items you can bring into the Prep School to be recycled (all of the boxes are located in the entrance to Maple). #B… 0 0 2021 29/04/2021
Tweet 29/04/2021 03:40 PM During the first lockdown last year, Mr Wilkinson helped to collect, pack and distribute food parcels, alongside fellow members of Droitwich Rugby club. (1/4) #StaffAchievements 0 0 2021 29/04/2021
Tweet 29/04/2021 03:40 PM (2/4) Mr Wilkinson was one of the ninety volunteers who gave up their time every week for many months to ensure that Droitwich and the surrounding areas were covered and people in the local area rece… 0 0 2021 29/04/2021
Tweet 29/04/2021 03:41 PM (3/4) Earlier this week, Mr Wilkinson had the honour of meeting HRH Princess Anne who came and congratulated a number of volunteers personally for contributing to the local community. 0 0 2021 29/04/2021
Tweet 29/04/2021 03:42 PM (4/4) We are very proud of Mr Wilkinson’s selfless efforts to help his local community - well done and thank you from everyone at #BromsPrep. #StaffAchievements 0 0 2021 29/04/2021
Tweet 29/04/2021 06:19 PM Well done to our U13 girls’ cricket teams who played away at @abberleyhallsch today. The U13As lost narrowly 251 - 259 and the U13Bs won 259 - 257 🏏 #BromsSport #BromsCricket #SchoolSport 0 0 2021 29/04/2021
Tweet 30/04/2021 11:14 AM RT @BromsMusic: Some highlights from yesterday’s Year 3 Strings Scheme 🎻 full of energy and thoroughly enjoying playing together. #BromsMus… 0 0 2021 30/04/2021
Tweet 30/04/2021 02:26 PM Well done to Henry F who represented H&W in the U12 County Cup. Hereford & Worcestershire faced Derbyshire, Shropshire and Staffordshire over two days of tennis. Henry won all six of his matches play… 0 0 2021 30/04/2021
Tweet 03/05/2021 10:07 AM RT @BromsGirlsPE: Well done to Chloe C who qualified on Saturday for the Royal International Horse Show in the open 133 working hunter sect… 0 0 2021 03/05/2021
Tweet 03/05/2021 10:07 AM RT @BromsSchool: Another beautiful morning at #BromsgroveSchool. These images were taken @BromsPrep. 0 0 2021 03/05/2021
Tweet 03/05/2021 10:07 AM RT @BromsPage: @BromsPrep @BromsSchool Jarry practicing his Piano playing this morning in Page. Very impressive 🎹 0 0 2021 03/05/2021
Tweet 03/05/2021 10:08 AM The Year 4 @BromsPrepDT group were hard at work making letters out of wood during Saturday activities. #BromsDT #BromsYr4 #BromsActivities #DesignTechnology #Woodwork 0 0 2021 03/05/2021
Tweet 03/05/2021 02:06 PM Earlier in the year, the #BromsPrep English department invited the children to take part in Worcestershire Libraries’ Young Poet Laureate Competition. Some of the children were brave enough to take o… 0 0 2021 03/05/2021
Tweet 03/05/2021 02:06 PM (2/2) However, the poem of one of our Y4 pupils, Vanshika S, received a further accolade as her poem was short-listed. She had to perform her poem online to the judges and was the youngest competitor… 0 0 2021 03/05/2021
Tweet 04/05/2021 01:27 PM Year 6 exploring Alice in Wonderland and using the parachute as the rabbit hole. #BromsDrama #BromsYr6 #SchoolTheatre 0 0 2021 04/05/2021
Tweet 04/05/2021 05:32 PM Congratulations to Freddie S who won the first round of RGMMC champions of the future in Belgium. Alfie S was also racing, this time in Italy, but when fighting for 4th place in his category in the f… 0 0 2021 04/05/2021
Tweet 04/05/2021 05:33 PM (2/2) Well done to Freddie and Alfie on their racing efforts - we can’t wait to hear more from both pupils in the near future. #PupilAchievements 0 0 2021 04/05/2021
Tweet 05/05/2021 08:55 AM 3JK have thoroughly enjoyed their last two weeks at Forest School. They have been playing, eating s'mores, digging, making nature bracelets, cooking and exploring. #BromsYr3 #BromsForestSchool #Outdo… 0 0 2021 05/05/2021
Tweet 05/05/2021 09:11 AM Joshua-Austin completed his homework on Mexican food last weekend. Doesn't it look yummy! #BromsYr5 #SchoolTopic 0 0 2021 05/05/2021
Tweet 05/05/2021 04:04 PM Congratulations to our U10B girls’ cricket team who enjoyed hosting RGS Dodderhill this afternoon. The score was 238 runs to 232 in Bromsgrove’s favour. 🏏 👏 #BromsCricket #BromsSport 0 0 2021 05/05/2021
Tweet 05/05/2021 06:00 PM Our U11 girls loved their away cricket matches against RGS Dodderhill this afternoon despite patches of rain. Both the U11B and U11C teams were victorious, winning 251 - 238 and 355 - 277 respectivel… 0 0 2021 05/05/2021
Tweet 06/05/2021 07:40 AM Despite the inclement weather, we still had enough blue sky and sunshine to get the @bromsprepsport U11A, U12A & U13A boys’ cricket matches underway at home vs @biltongrange. #BromsCricket #BromsSpor… 0 0 2021 06/05/2021