Tweet 28/01/2021 01:52 PM As part of the @Natures_Voice RSPB Birdwatch, Emily and Isabelle K have been making bird seed cakes. #BromsgroviansAtHome #OutdoorLearning #NewSkills #Nature #Birdwatch 0 0 2021 28/01/2021
Tweet 29/01/2021 02:42 PM Year 3 enjoyed using their senses to investigate the signs of winter as part of their Forest School learning this week. #BromsForestSchool #BromsYr3 #BromsgroviansAtHome #BromsOnlineLearning #Outdoor… 0 0 2021 29/01/2021
Tweet 29/01/2021 03:06 PM In virtual assembly on Wednesday, the children remembered victims of the Holocaust and heard about two people who saved many children from peril; Nicholas Winton & Irena Sendler. Zachary N participat… 0 0 2021 29/01/2021
Tweet 29/01/2021 03:15 PM Zoe F was delighted to receive two HMC’s this week. She has also received her green Blue Peter badge. #PupilAchievements #BromsgroviansAtHome 0 0 2021 29/01/2021
Tweet 31/01/2021 09:40 AM RT @BromsPage: @BromsPrep @BromsSchool Home made pancakes for breakfast in Page House this morning 🥞 🥞🥞🥞 0 0 2021 31/01/2021
Tweet 01/02/2021 10:36 AM RT @Jake_Berney_: The latest Athletic Development videos are now live! The theme for this week is SPEED (Top Speed). Check out the links be… 0 0 2021 01/02/2021
Tweet 01/02/2021 10:37 AM RT @BromsPage: @BromsPrep @BromsSchool Hot Chocolate before bedtime this evening for our Page boarders. 🧋 0 0 2021 01/02/2021
Tweet 01/02/2021 10:37 AM RT @BromsSchool: What makes you happy? Mrs Browning (Prep School PE Department) says “being outside makes me happy, especially a sun rise r… 0 0 2021 01/02/2021
Tweet 01/02/2021 01:57 PM Amaar proudly showing his Academic Commendation for PSHE work on Parliament. #BromsgroviansAtHome #BromsOnlineLearning #BromsPSHE 0 0 2021 01/02/2021
Tweet 01/02/2021 04:44 PM What makes you happy? Here is #BromsPrep pupil, Ella C with her dog on a walk to keep fit, happy and healthy. #BromsgroviansAtHome #BrightBromsgrovians #StayActive #Wellbeing 0 0 2021 01/02/2021
Tweet 02/02/2021 11:14 AM What makes you happy? Mr Jones says “teaching @BromsgroveGeog to 5CR makes me happy.” #BromsgroviansAtHome #BromsOnlineLearning #BrightBromsgrovians #BromsGeog #FullyEngaged #Wellbeing 0 0 2021 02/02/2021
Tweet 02/02/2021 02:45 PM RT @BromsSchool: What makes you happy? Mrs Boardman (@BromsPrep) says “being outside in nature, with my camera, whatever the weather, makes… 0 0 2021 02/02/2021
Tweet 04/02/2021 10:23 AM RT @BromsFutures: This is such a great photo, thank you for sharing #BrightBromsgrovians #BromsWellbeing 0 0 2021 04/02/2021
Tweet 04/02/2021 10:23 AM RT @BromsFutures: Lots of #BrightBromsgrovians here! Fabulous @BromsSchool #BromsWellbeing 0 0 2021 04/02/2021
Tweet 04/02/2021 10:23 AM #ThrowbackThursday: The Super Bowl takes place on Sunday. Here is Mr Lane thinking he is Patrick Mahomes or Thomas Brady on the last #BromsPrep overseas trip in October 2019, with the now current Low… 0 0 2021 04/02/2021
Tweet 05/02/2021 10:22 AM Inspired by Mr Lane's PE lesson @BromsPrepSport this week, Evie A (Year 3) has put together a gymnastics sequence. #BromsSport #BromsYr3 #StayActive #BromsgroviansAtHome 0 0 2021 05/02/2021
Tweet 05/02/2021 10:23 AM RT @BromsPage: @BromsSchool @BromsPrep the decorations are already up in Page ahead of Chinese New Year next week. 0 0 2021 05/02/2021
Tweet 05/02/2021 10:23 AM RT @NThorpeBS: So many #SchoolSocieties to choose from to feature for this week's #FromtheArchive but this combination of chess and photo c… 0 0 2021 05/02/2021
Tweet 05/02/2021 11:28 AM Year 4 have been learning about Viking travel this week, in particular longships and comparing them with the boats of today. They concluded their learning with some art, finishing their designs with … 0 0 2021 05/02/2021
Tweet 05/02/2021 11:32 AM Year 5 are working on a project all about Pizza Express and they were asked to come up with a new uniform design – this is what Milo has designed. We hope you approve @PizzaExpress! #BromsgroviansAtH… 0 0 2021 05/02/2021
Tweet 05/02/2021 11:43 AM Well done to Eve H who has taken these lovely snowy photos for the #BromsPrep Photography Club. #BromsgroviansAtHome #BromsActivities 0 0 2021 05/02/2021
Tweet 05/02/2021 11:45 AM Daniel & Robyn D took part in the Big Garden Birdwatch. Having been inspired by Countryfile wildlife photographer Simon King, they used their binoculars and took these photos with brilliant effect. M… 0 0 2021 05/02/2021
Tweet 05/02/2021 11:47 AM Isobel B enjoyed exclusive access to the behind-the-scenes magic of Harry Potter and the Cursed Child. They were able to participate in a live Q&A with cast member, Paul Thornley, and Isobel got to a… 0 0 2021 05/02/2021
Tweet 05/02/2021 11:49 AM Samuel C has been busy in the kitchen making bread, brownies and peanut chicken for his family. Everyone thought it was delicious. #BromsgroviansAtHome #Cookery #NewSkills #PupilAchievements 0 0 2021 05/02/2021