Tweet 18/11/2020 09:30 AM The Prep School Gardening Club were delighted to hear that they have been awarded the Level 3 RHS Schools' Gardening Award from @The_RHS. In recognition of their hard work, they have been given a fru… 0 0 2020 18/11/2020
Tweet 18/11/2020 12:01 PM Year 4 have been working on various jumping techniques and fundamental movement skills in PE this morning. #BromsYr4 #BromsSport 0 0 2020 18/11/2020
Tweet 18/11/2020 12:22 PM A selection of the fabulous ‘odd socks’ that Year 6 have produced during form time for Kindness Week at #BromsgrovePrep and the @ABAonline campaign, United Against Bullying. #BromsYr6 #AntiBullyingWe… 0 0 2020 18/11/2020
Tweet 18/11/2020 02:12 PM RT @PrimroseHospice: A big 💛thank you💛 to the incredible year seven pupils who have made some wonderful gifts for Flourishing Fivers. They… 0 0 2020 18/11/2020
Tweet 18/11/2020 02:13 PM The Preparatory School are certainly playing their part in Anti-Bullying Week. We are #UnitedAgainstBullying. 0 0 2020 18/11/2020
Tweet 18/11/2020 05:57 PM Evie A and Miela E performing their gymnastics routine this morning. Great partner sequencing work! #BromsYr3 0 0 2020 18/11/2020
Tweet 18/11/2020 06:00 PM Year 8 girls are demonstrating great team spirit in the football competition during the Prep School's multi-sports afternoon ⚽ #BromsSport #BromsYr8 0 0 2020 18/11/2020
Tweet 18/11/2020 06:54 PM Some lucky pupils in Year 3 have just been looking at Jupiter, Saturn and Mars in our observatory with Mr Turner. They had a good view of the rings of Saturn. #BromsYr3 #BromsObservatory #Stargazing … 0 0 2020 18/11/2020
Tweet 18/11/2020 06:59 PM Years 3 and 4, in their separate year group bubbles, enjoyed their ramble around the Prep School grounds in aid of @BBCCiN last Friday. #BromsYr3 #BromsYr4 0 0 2020 18/11/2020
Tweet 19/11/2020 08:11 AM Year 6 astronomers enjoyed a successful evening in the observatory, capturing the first photographs of the year. #BromsYr6 #BromsObservatory #BromsAstronomy 0 0 2020 19/11/2020
Tweet 19/11/2020 05:43 PM Toby K executing an excellent tackle on the bags today. #BromsSport #BromsRugby @BromsPrepSport 0 0 2020 19/11/2020
Tweet 19/11/2020 05:45 PM Year 4 boys trying something different in games today. #BromsSport #BromsYr4 @BromsPrepSport 0 0 2020 19/11/2020
Tweet 19/11/2020 07:13 PM Our #BromsPrep pupils did not let the cold conditions dampen spirits for the second week of their multi-sports activities in year group bubbles. #BromsSport 0 0 2020 19/11/2020
Tweet 20/11/2020 03:39 PM RT @BromsSchool: We are delighted to bring you a selection of @BromsMusic clips from our Autumn Showcase with @BromsPrep and @BromsPrePrep… 0 0 2020 20/11/2020
Tweet 20/11/2020 05:10 PM RT @BromsMusic: The Music School has remained busy this term and we are delighted to bring you a selection of clips from our Autumn Showcas… 0 0 2020 20/11/2020
Tweet 20/11/2020 05:10 PM Year 4 have made kindness pledges on their ‘Happy Bunnies’ for Anti-Bullying Week. #BromsYr4 #AntiBullyingWeek #UnitedAgainstBullying #KindnessWeek 0 0 2020 20/11/2020
Tweet 22/11/2020 05:12 PM Well done to everyone on this very impressive selection of cakes made by @BromsPage pupils! #BromsgroveBakeOff #HouseBakeOff #BromsBoarding #BromsPage #ILoveBoarding… 0 0 2020 22/11/2020
Tweet 23/11/2020 08:05 AM The Year 6 astronomy group have finished their solar system projects in activities - great work everyone! #BromsYr6 #BromsActivities 0 0 2020 23/11/2020
Tweet 24/11/2020 11:22 AM RT @BromsSchool: We invite applications for the position of Head of @BromsPrePrep & @BromsPrep to commence in September 2021. The current H… 0 0 2020 24/11/2020
Tweet 26/11/2020 08:49 AM Our Year 8 astronomy group have completed their electronic constellation projects. Great work, boys! #BromsYr8 #BromsAstronomy #BromsActivities 0 0 2020 26/11/2020
Tweet 26/11/2020 08:49 AM RT @BromsDHTeaching: We are delighted to have joined this campaign....Look out for more details of the School's p… 0 0 2020 26/11/2020
Tweet 26/11/2020 01:06 PM It is week 3 of our multi-sports competition and excitement levels were high yet again with pupils intrigued as to which sport they would get the chance to compete in this week. We are now half way t… 0 0 2020 26/11/2020
Tweet 26/11/2020 07:09 PM Year 4 boys making the most of the glorious weather - in November! #BromsSport #BromsRugby #BromsYr4 @BromsPrepSport 0 0 2020 26/11/2020