Tweet 24/11/2016 01:28 PM RT @BromsPrep: Here's one more sneak peek of Twelfth Night ahead of the opening night this evening. #BromsgrovePrepDoesShakespeare #BromsDr… 0 0 2016 24/11/2016
Tweet 24/11/2016 02:16 PM 6SGC & 6SMC enjoyed a Victorian classroom experience, though many were pleased to be returning to their normal lessons tomorrow! #BromsYr6 0 0 2016 24/11/2016
Tweet 24/11/2016 02:23 PM Break a leg to the cast and crew of #BromsgrovePrep's production of Twelfth Night this evening. #BromsDrama 0 0 2016 24/11/2016
Tweet 24/11/2016 03:35 PM Awaiting the start of the #Yr3Strings Concert in the Hospitality Suite. #BromsMusic #BromsYr3 0 0 2016 24/11/2016
Tweet 24/11/2016 06:50 PM Well done to all of the #Yr3Strings performers this afternoon. It was a fabulous concert showcasing the talents of our youngest Prep pupils. 0 0 2016 24/11/2016
Tweet 25/11/2016 02:52 PM Thank you @edrusling. #BromsDrama… 0 0 2016 25/11/2016
Tweet 25/11/2016 02:52 PM RT @edrusling: @BromsPrep what a performance! Kids did themselves and the school proud! 0 0 2016 25/11/2016
Tweet 25/11/2016 05:27 PM Continued best wishes for the cast and crew of #Twelfth Night this evening. #BromsDrama #BromsgrovePrepDoesShakespeare 0 0 2016 25/11/2016
Tweet 25/11/2016 05:42 PM Here's a small teaser of what's to come in #TwelfthNight this evening... #BromsDrama #BromsgrovePrepDoesShakespeare 0 0 2016 25/11/2016
Tweet 26/11/2016 03:54 PM RT @Kingsmacrugby: A tough morning block versus @BromsPrep four our two most junior teams. U13 35-15 L U13B 25-15 W U12 5-55 L U12B 15-30 L 0 0 2016 26/11/2016
Tweet 26/11/2016 03:54 PM RT @BromsSchool: Don't forget that @BromsPrep Twelfth Night Production finish their run this evening. Curtains up at 6pm in Senior Drama St… 0 0 2016 26/11/2016
Tweet 26/11/2016 04:47 PM #BromsMusic A selection of photographs from the #Yr3Strings Concert can now be viewed on the website: 0 0 2016 26/11/2016
Tweet 26/11/2016 05:21 PM #BromsDrama Mr Woollhead going through some final lines with the #TwelfthNight cast. 0 0 2016 26/11/2016
Tweet 26/11/2016 05:37 PM Just twenty minutes until showtime! #BromsDrama #BromsPrepDoesShakespeare 0 0 2016 26/11/2016
Tweet 26/11/2016 06:04 PM Guests starting to arrive for #TwelfthNight. #BromsDrama #BromsgrovePrepDoesShakespeare 0 0 2016 26/11/2016
Tweet 26/11/2016 06:09 PM It's a full house for the final night of #TwelfthNight. #BromsDrama #BromsgrovePrepDoesDrama 0 0 2016 26/11/2016
Tweet 26/11/2016 10:29 PM RT @Littlehales85: Wonderful version of #twelfthnight from @BromsSchool @BromsPrep this evening!Such a talented young cast! 0 0 2016 26/11/2016
Tweet 26/11/2016 10:30 PM Well done to the cast and crew of #TwelfthNight over the past three days. You did yourselves and the School proud. #BromsDrama 0 0 2016 26/11/2016
Tweet 28/11/2016 10:46 AM #BromsDrama Twelfth Night is over and we would like to say a big thank you to everyone who made it all possible. 0 0 2016 28/11/2016
Tweet 28/11/2016 05:01 PM RT @UKISD_sue: Featured schools on UKISD this week @PerrottHill @Feltonfleet @BromsPrep #in… 0 0 2016 28/11/2016
Tweet 29/11/2016 08:28 AM #BromsMusic Musical Moments from #BromsPrep this week... 0 0 2016 29/11/2016
Tweet 29/11/2016 03:20 PM #BromsDrama A selection of photographs from #TwelfthNight can now be viewed online at 0 0 2016 29/11/2016
Tweet 29/11/2016 03:38 PM RT @BromsSchool: #BromsMusic @BromsPrep Violins Group 1, Year 3 Strings Concert (November 2016) 0 0 2016 29/11/2016
Tweet 29/11/2016 03:38 PM RT @BromsSchool: #BromsMusic @BromsPrep Cello Duet with Harry D and Mr Broadhead at the Year 3 Strings Concert (November 2016)… 0 0 2016 29/11/2016
Tweet 29/11/2016 03:38 PM RT @BromsSchool: #BromsMusic @BromsPrep Cellos, Year 3 Strings Concert (November 2016) 0 0 2016 29/11/2016
Tweet 29/11/2016 03:38 PM RT @BromsSchool: #BromsMusic @BromsPrep Violins Group 2, Year 3 Strings Concert (November 2016) 0 0 2016 29/11/2016
Tweet 29/11/2016 03:38 PM RT @BromsSchool: #BromsMusic @BromsPrep All strings perform 'Manhattan Blues', Year 3 Strings Concert (November 2016)… 0 0 2016 29/11/2016
Tweet 29/11/2016 03:38 PM RT @BromsSchool: #BromsMusic @BromsPrep Mr Dessanay demonstrates on the Double Bass, Year 3 Strings Concert (November 2016)… 0 0 2016 29/11/2016
Tweet 29/11/2016 03:38 PM RT @BromsSchool: #BromsMusic @BromsPrep Year 5 Violinists perform at the Year 3 Strings Concert (November 2016) 0 0 2016 29/11/2016
Tweet 29/11/2016 03:38 PM RT @BromsSchool: #BromsMusic @BromsPrep Double Basses - Year 3 Strings Concert (November 2016) 0 0 2016 29/11/2016
Tweet 30/11/2016 12:04 PM #BromsSport Match Cancellations: All #BromsPrep rugby matches have been cancelled today. 0 0 2016 30/11/2016
Tweet 30/11/2016 12:04 PM RT @BromsSchool: #BromsMusic @BromsPrep Year 3 Strings Concert - Violas (November 2016) 0 0 2016 30/11/2016
Tweet 06/12/2016 04:41 PM Year 3 pupils learn to 'Walk Like an Egyptian'. READ MORE: 0 0 2016 06/12/2016
Tweet 06/12/2016 04:41 PM RT @BromsSchool: A view of the #MatthewTaylor Observatory on the @BromsPrep School site. 0 0 2016 06/12/2016
Tweet 08/12/2016 09:49 AM RT @BromsSchool: The @BromsPrep Cyber Security Festival, being run by @TabletAcademyUK with @Cyberchallenge is underway at #BromsgroveSchoo… 0 0 2016 08/12/2016
Tweet 08/12/2016 09:49 AM RT @BromsSchool: The Brief given to students by @TabletAcademyUK @Cyberchallenge: There are two hours to open the briefcase in order to sto… 0 0 2016 08/12/2016