Tweet 22/05/2020 04:51 PM Year 4 have been thinking about the symbolism of the rainbow to remind us of all those who are working in the NHS and those helping to keep our country going. Pupils made a rainbow and collected the … 0 0 2020 22/05/2020
Tweet 22/05/2020 05:04 PM Ben B completed thirteen cards as part of the #ACEChallenge in his PE lesson. #BromsgroviansAtHome #BromsSport 0 0 2020 22/05/2020
Tweet 22/05/2020 05:10 PM Beau V-H completed the full pack of fifty-two #ACEChallenges. Great job! #BromsgroviansAtHome #BromsSport 0 0 2020 22/05/2020
Tweet 22/05/2020 05:21 PM 3JK showed Mrs Kingston their artwork during form time this morning. The pictures are of the Statue of Liberty, in the style of Romero Britto, as part of their 'Yeeha!' topic. #BromsgroviansAtHome #B… 0 0 2020 22/05/2020
Tweet 26/05/2020 08:12 AM Well done to the Hill Family who have all completed the #ACEChallenge to Marathon standard. All twenty-six cards were completed and they will now carry on with the challenge at least once a week as p… 0 0 2020 26/05/2020
Tweet 26/05/2020 08:38 AM Well done to Xanthe M (Year 6) who completed the entire #ACEChallenge and made a brilliant video in the process. #BromsgroviansAtHome #BromsSport WATCH: 0 0 2020 26/05/2020
Tweet 26/05/2020 08:38 AM Vanshika S has written a book in line with her French homework, where she was asked to choose a character and write about their week. She chose an abandoned cat, named Kitkat, as her character. #Brom… 0 0 2020 26/05/2020
Tweet 26/05/2020 08:46 AM Well done to Byron B (Year 7) who has enjoyed completing his #ACEChallenge in the sunshine. A great way to end assessment week. #BromsgroviansAtHome #BromsSport 0 0 2020 26/05/2020
Tweet 26/05/2020 09:00 AM Edward and his parents planned something special to echo Bromsgrove’s sports day. They designed a route and cycled 60km together in the countryside in Shanghai. Edward also went to a local table tenn… 0 0 2020 26/05/2020
Tweet 26/05/2020 10:49 AM Well done to Rhys who made pizzas for the remaining boarders and residential staff last a Friday evening. It was part of his DT project. (Our small number of boarders are living in one household with… 0 0 2020 26/05/2020
Tweet 26/05/2020 11:20 AM Liz S and Emily C (Year 8) completed the #ACEChallenge together virtually on Friday afternoon. #BromsgroviansAtHome #BromsSport #BromsYr8 @BromsPrepSport @BromsPrepHead 0 0 2020 26/05/2020
Tweet 31/05/2020 11:00 AM #BromsPrep has launched the next set of virtual challenges for pupils to try at home, starting from tomorrow. The idea is to motivate pupils to be active beyond their timetabled sports lessons, & the… 0 0 2020 31/05/2020
Tweet 01/06/2020 08:00 AM RT @BromsSchool: Rhys, one of our boarders, has enjoyed playing frisbee in the glorious afternoon sun today☀️ #BromsBoarding #BromsgroveSch… 0 0 2020 01/06/2020
Tweet 01/06/2020 08:01 AM RT @BromsSchool: Good morning and welcome to the second half of the Summer Term. #BromsgroviansAtHome #BromsOnlineLearning #BromsgroveSchoo… 0 0 2020 01/06/2020
Tweet 01/06/2020 10:59 AM RT @all_cic: Good luck North Worcestershire #TeamNorthWorcs #WorcsVirtualSG @dodderhill @BromsSchool @BromsPrep @HanburySchool @sjmspe @cat… 0 0 2020 01/06/2020
Tweet 01/06/2020 11:00 AM Zoe F (Year 3) is over the moon with her certificates. She would like to thank all the teachers for their hard work too. #BromsgroviansAtHome #BromsYr3 #BromsgroveStars #BromsOnlineLearning 0 0 2020 01/06/2020
Tweet 01/06/2020 02:02 PM Seth B (Year 6) was delighted to receive a HMC for his Geography project before the half term break. #BromsgroviansAtHome #BromsOnlineLearning #BromsGeog #BromsYr6 0 0 2020 01/06/2020
Tweet 01/06/2020 02:44 PM RT @BromsMusic: Welcome back after a sunny Half Term! Week 6 of our Composition Workshop has begun, and as always it is a creative challen… 0 0 2020 01/06/2020
Tweet 01/06/2020 02:46 PM As part of their topic on China, 4VS have made Chinese knots, which symbolise good luck. #BromsgroviansAtHome #BromsYr4 #SchoolTopic @BromsPrepHead 0 0 2020 01/06/2020
Tweet 01/06/2020 04:31 PM Amber E (Year 4) has made a spectacular 3D Mosque as part of her RE lesson on Islam. #BromsgroviansAtHome #BromsYr4 #BromsRE #BromsOnlineLearning #SchoolProject 0 0 2020 01/06/2020
Tweet 02/06/2020 09:27 AM Euan C (Year 7) has returned to golf now that the courses have started to re-open. Well done Euan - keep it up! #BromsgroviansAtHome #BromsYr7 #BromsSport #BromsGolf 0 0 2020 02/06/2020
Tweet 03/06/2020 12:35 PM David (Year 3) has been practising his cookery skills by preparing a delicious lunch for his family today. Bon appétit! #BromsgroviansAtHome #BromsYr3 #HomeCooking 0 0 2020 03/06/2020
Tweet 03/06/2020 12:47 PM Max (Year 3) has enjoyed researching facts about sunflowers to make this beautiful information card. This was part of his #ForestSchool work this morning. #BromsgroviansAtHome #BromsYr3 #OutdoorLearn… 0 0 2020 03/06/2020