Tweet 11/01/2020 07:05 PM Earlier today, the girls’ U13A&B and U12A&B teams played hockey against @KHSWarwick. Everyone played superbly, both as individuals & as a squad. Our U13As demonstrated excellent creative attacking pl… 0 0 2020 11/01/2020
Tweet 11/01/2020 07:07 PM (2/2) The girls’ U12A team had an exciting close hockey match with both teams scoring lots of goals with the end result being 6-5 to @KHSWarwick. Finally, well done to our U12Bs who won 3-1. #BromsSp… 0 0 2020 11/01/2020
Tweet 13/01/2020 08:11 AM @solsch1560 The U11s took part in the @biltongrange tournament. In the first round, they won 2-0 against @BedfordSchool and @solsch1560 2-1 to win the group. In the two group winners' games, Bromsgro… 0 0 2020 13/01/2020
Tweet 13/01/2020 03:25 PM @mac_birmingham Following our post last week', we are delighted to hear that Josh C not only performs with the band Split Second, but he is also part of a duo called Chasing Lights. Over the Christma… 0 0 2020 13/01/2020
Tweet 13/01/2020 03:25 PM RT @Freshwater_TIE: @BromsPrep @BromsSchool We are looking forward to delivering Second World War sessions at your school this week. Thanks… 0 0 2020 13/01/2020
Tweet 13/01/2020 06:33 PM The #BromsPrep Astronomy Club have captured some wonderful images in our Observatory recently. #BromsObservatory #BromsActivities #SchoolObservatory #SkyAtNight 0 0 2020 13/01/2020
Tweet 14/01/2020 10:51 AM It is Kindness Week at #BromsPrep. A timely reminder to be kind online and to adhere to the Billboard Test. Before you post something online, think: would you be happy to see it on a billboard for ev… 0 0 2020 14/01/2020
Tweet 14/01/2020 10:52 AM (2/2) Further advice can be found via @ThinkuknowUK: #BromsgrovePrep #BromsBuddies #KindnessWeek #ThinkuKnow #BillboardTest 0 0 2020 14/01/2020
Tweet 14/01/2020 04:07 PM The stage is set for the @BromsMusic Year 5 Wind and Brass Concert in Routh this afternoon. #BromsMusic #BromsYr5 #BromsConcerts 0 0 2020 14/01/2020
Tweet 14/01/2020 04:21 PM Welcome to the @BromsMusic Year 5 Wind and Brass Concert. Up first, we have all our instruments performing Biscuit Club Boogie 🎼 #BromsYr5 #BromsMusic #BromsConcerts 0 0 2020 14/01/2020
Tweet 14/01/2020 04:22 PM .@BromsMusic Year 5 Wind and Brass Concert: Next to the stage, we welcome the Flutes with Hot & Cross 🎼 #BromsYr5 #BromsMusic #BromsConcerts 0 0 2020 14/01/2020
Tweet 14/01/2020 04:24 PM .@BromsMusic Year 5 Wind and Brass Concert: The E flat instruments perform Follow My Leader 🎼 #BromsYr5 #BromsMusic #BromsConcerts 0 0 2020 14/01/2020
Tweet 14/01/2020 04:25 PM .@BromsMusic Year 5 Wind and Brass Concert: Next up, we have the Oboes performing Mardi Gras Groovin’ 🎼 #BromsYr5 #BromsMusic #BromsConcerts 0 0 2020 14/01/2020
Tweet 14/01/2020 04:26 PM .@BromsMusic Year 5 Wind and Brass Concert: Our Mixed Brass Group perform DeeCee’s Blues 🎼 #BromsYr5 #BromsMusic #BromsConcerts 0 0 2020 14/01/2020
Tweet 14/01/2020 04:27 PM .@BromsMusic Year 5 Wind and Brass Concert: Welcome to Clarinets who are performing What’s Up? 🎼 #BromsYr5 #BromsMusic #BromsConcerts 0 0 2020 14/01/2020
Tweet 14/01/2020 04:30 PM .@BromsMusic Year 5 Wind and Brass Concert: The Trumpets are on stage with Coming Together 🎼 #BromsYr5 #BromsMusic #BromsConcerts 0 0 2020 14/01/2020
Tweet 14/01/2020 04:31 PM .@BromsMusic Year 5 Wind and Brass Concert: Now we have the French Horns with The Grand Old Duke of York 🎼 #BromsYr5 #BromsMusic #BromsConcerts 0 0 2020 14/01/2020
Tweet 14/01/2020 04:33 PM .@BromsMusic Year 5 Wind and Brass Concert: The Fagonellos take to the stage with Edie’s Blues 🎼 #BromsYr5 #BromsMusic #BromsConcerts 0 0 2020 14/01/2020
Tweet 14/01/2020 04:34 PM .@BromsMusic Year 5 Wind and Brass Concert: Next up, we have the Trombones performing Blossom Blues 🎼 #BromsYr5 #BromsMusic #BromsConcerts 0 0 2020 14/01/2020
Tweet 14/01/2020 04:36 PM .@BromsMusic Year 5 Wind and Brass Concert: Welcome back to the E flat instruments who are performing We Will Rock You with The Trombones 🎼 #BromsYr5 #BromsMusic #BromsConcerts 0 0 2020 14/01/2020
Tweet 14/01/2020 04:40 PM .@BromsMusic Year 5 Wind and Brass Concert: A rousing finale of Biscuit Club Boogie with all our instruments back on stage 🎼 #BromsYr5 #BromsMusic #BromsConcerts 0 0 2020 14/01/2020
Tweet 14/01/2020 07:52 PM RT @BromsMusic: Fantastic Wind and Brass Presentation from Yr 5 this afternoon! What a magnificent sight and sound! #BromsMusic #WindandBra… 0 0 2020 14/01/2020
Tweet 14/01/2020 07:54 PM Well done to all our Years 3-6 @BromsPrepSport swimmers who swam so well against Holy Trinity School this evening 🏊♂👏🏊♀ #BromsSport #BromsSwim 0 0 2020 14/01/2020
Tweet 15/01/2020 08:34 AM RT @BromsPrepDHA: Thank you to everyone who came to the Study Skills workshop yesterday. We hope you enjoy trying these techniques at home… 0 0 2020 15/01/2020