Tweet 12/06/2019 01:36 PM Well done to William P who took part in the ITU World Triathlon series last Saturday (Tristar 2 category), competing nationally against forty-four male competitors. An amazing achievement for one of … 0 0 2019 12/06/2019
Tweet 12/06/2019 01:37 PM (2/2) William swam 200m in open water with a 400m run to bike transition, a 5k bike race, then a 1.7k run (a hilly course throughout) which he completed in 26 mins 44 secs. He was very happy and exci… 0 0 2019 12/06/2019
Tweet 12/06/2019 02:21 PM Yesterday, Year 3 braved the elements at #BodenhamArboretum to participate in a Native American themed #ForestSchool Day as part of their “Yee-Ha!” Creative Curriculum topic. (1/2) #BromsYr3 #Outdoor… 0 0 2019 12/06/2019
Tweet 12/06/2019 02:22 PM (2/2) The wet weather and mud certainly did not dampen their spirits as Year 3 built shelters and tipis, made Cherokee style artwork by leaf beating, cooked traditional Cree bannock bread and created… 0 0 2019 12/06/2019
Tweet 12/06/2019 05:49 PM Congratulations to a very strong @DeanCloseSchool tennis squad who beat our U12 @BromsPrepSport girls today. #BromsSport #BromsTennis #SchoolSport 0 0 2019 12/06/2019
Tweet 12/06/2019 05:50 PM Well played to our U11 @BromsPrepSport girls’ rounders teams who beat Wolverhampton Grammar 12 - 10 1/2, 15 - 7 1/2 and 11 - 10 1/2 ⚾ 👏 #BromsSport #BromsRounders #SchoolSport 0 0 2019 12/06/2019
Tweet 12/06/2019 06:30 PM 🏆 The timetable for the Mercian Prep Schools Athletics Championships is out now, due to take place in Stourport on Thursday 13th June - parents and family members very welcome to come and support th… 0 0 2019 12/06/2019
Tweet 13/06/2019 09:47 AM Mrs Maleki delivered a very interesting talk to Years 6 & 7 this morning. Her fascinating insights about Interior Design and Architecture has touched upon just two career routes where an art educatio… 0 0 2019 13/06/2019
Tweet 13/06/2019 09:48 AM (2/2) The knowledge of new trends and sustainable solutions amalgamated with traditional and modern art techniques is the driving force behind our fantastic design industry. Thank you to Mrs Maleki f… 0 0 2019 13/06/2019
Tweet 13/06/2019 09:51 AM This afternoon, the #BromsPrep Art Department welcomes pupils, parents and teachers to their Art and Design Exhibition. Art and DT work created by Years 5-8 will be on show in the Llanwrtyd Centre un… 0 0 2019 13/06/2019
Tweet 13/06/2019 11:33 AM A great start for @BromsPrepSport pupils Ollie D, Rosie C and Lily Mae W in the hurdles. #BromsSport #BromsAthletics 0 0 2019 13/06/2019
Tweet 13/06/2019 11:38 AM A massive well done to Alice W-M who has just smashed the U11 School 1500m record and is IAPS Champion. She has now qualified through to the National finals a year early 👏#BromsSport #BromsAthletics 0 0 2019 13/06/2019