Tweet 24/05/2019 08:09 PM RT @chri57380738: Had a fantastic day today, brilliant comments from parents and students for yr 7+8 sports day.... not a morsel of food le… 0 0 2019 24/05/2019
Tweet 24/05/2019 08:42 PM Our #BromsPrep Sports Day trophies ready to be presented to Years 7 & 8. #BromsSportsDay #BromsYr7 #BromsYr8 #SchoolSport 0 0 2019 24/05/2019
Tweet 25/05/2019 08:23 AM RT @BromsDeputyPrep: Congratulations to our Year 7&8 pupils who achieved super AEO grades and attended the Tea party - well deserved ☕️👍@Br… 0 0 2019 25/05/2019
Tweet 29/05/2019 08:08 PM RT @iapsuksport: The IAPS national swimming finals programme is available to view and download on our website here:…… 0 0 2019 29/05/2019
Tweet 31/05/2019 07:37 AM RT @iapsuksport: IAPS national swimming finals tickets are available to purchase online here:… - deadline to buy is… 0 0 2019 31/05/2019
Tweet 02/06/2019 02:26 PM RT @BromsDeputyPrep: Great to hear our pupils expressing their ideas about poverty in the debate @BromsPrep @scholarscup… 0 0 2019 02/06/2019
Tweet 02/06/2019 02:27 PM RT @BromsDeputyPrep: Just dropped in to hear a fabulous debate @scholarscup well done Nick and Gabriel @BromsPrep 0 0 2019 02/06/2019
Tweet 03/06/2019 12:28 PM Years 3 & 4 Sports Day set up and ready for action this afternoon 🏃🏻♀🏃🏼♂#BromsSportsDay #BromsYr3 #BromsYr4 #SchoolSport 0 0 2019 03/06/2019
Tweet 03/06/2019 01:19 PM The Voice and Visions Exhibition is underway @WorcCathedral until 16 June. We are very excited to have had all of the work they sent chosen for the exhibit - please do try and visit. #voiceandvisions… 0 0 2019 03/06/2019
Tweet 03/06/2019 01:36 PM RT @BromsPrePrep: Just before half term, Miss Read from @BromsPrep had the joy of visiting our 'Amazing Artists' here at #BromsPrePrep. The… 0 0 2019 03/06/2019
Tweet 03/06/2019 01:48 PM Years 3 and 4 Sports Day is underway! Don’t forget our PA are hosting a refreshments stand again, with drinks available to all. #BromsSportsDay #BromsSport #BromsYr3 #BromsYr4 0 0 2019 03/06/2019
Tweet 03/06/2019 02:15 PM Years 3 and 4 Sports Day: Our obstacle course in super quick time! #BromsSportsDay #BromsSport #BromsYr3 #BromsYr4 0 0 2019 03/06/2019