Tweet 11/06/2018 09:14 AM For the girls, the best result of the day at the H&W track and field Championships was Abigail B who ran 13.5 secs in the 75m hurdles and achieved second place and a place in the National Mason troph… 0 0 2018 11/06/2018
Tweet 11/06/2018 09:14 AM You can read the full report on the Herefordshire and Worcestershire County track and field championships here: #BromsSport #BromsAthletics 0 0 2018 11/06/2018
Tweet 11/06/2018 09:20 AM #BromsPrep Eco Committee volunteered for the litter pick around the local area. Pupils were particularly sad to find plastic bottles, especially after realising they take 450 yrs to decompose. This e… 0 0 2018 11/06/2018
Tweet 11/06/2018 09:50 AM The #BromsPrep Maths Challenge is underway - good luck to all schools competing with us today! #BromsMaths 0 0 2018 11/06/2018
Tweet 11/06/2018 12:34 PM RT @BromsMusic: This afternoon at 2:30pm, we will be holding the Year 3-5 Summer Concert in Routh Concert Hall. With over 150 pupils perfor… 0 0 2018 11/06/2018
Tweet 11/06/2018 02:05 PM Waiting for the @BromsMusic Years 3-5 Summer Concert to begin. #BromsMusic #BromsYr3 #BromsYr4 #BromsYr5 0 0 2018 11/06/2018
Tweet 11/06/2018 02:05 PM RT @chri57380738: Governor's Lunch ready here at Prep School..... Enjoy 0 0 2018 11/06/2018
Tweet 11/06/2018 02:37 PM .@BromsMusic Years 3-5 Summer Concert: Percussion Group #BromsMusic #BromsConcerts 0 0 2018 11/06/2018
Tweet 11/06/2018 02:43 PM .@BromsMusic Years 3-5 Summer Concert: Flutes and Ukuleles #BromsMusic #BromsConcerts 0 0 2018 11/06/2018
Tweet 11/06/2018 02:47 PM .@BromsMusic Years 3-5 Summer Concert: Violin Group #BromsMusic #BromsConcerts 0 0 2018 11/06/2018
Tweet 11/06/2018 02:50 PM .@BromsMusic Years 3-5 Summer Concert: Orchestra #BromsMusic #BromsConcerts 0 0 2018 11/06/2018
Tweet 11/06/2018 02:56 PM .@BromsMusic Years 3-5 Summer Concert: Recorder Club #BromsMusic #BromsConcerts 0 0 2018 11/06/2018