Tweet 19/04/2023 08:00 AM Following the completion of their IB CAS projects, our Upper Sixth pupils have reflected on their ‘Creativity, Activity’ Service’ journey. “Overall, I am most proud of the impact that I have had on o… 0 2023 19/04/2023
Tweet 18/04/2023 08:00 AM Following the completion of their IB CAS projects, our Upper Sixth pupils have reflected on their ‘Creativity, Activity’ Service’ journey. “CAS has shown me that I can keep going with long-term activ… 0 2023 18/04/2023
Tweet 17/04/2023 08:00 AM Following the completion of their IB CAS projects, our Upper Sixth pupils have reflected on their ‘Creativity, Activity’ Service’ journey. “CAS is a wonderful medium which has allowed me to grow on m… 0 2023 17/04/2023
Tweet 14/04/2023 08:00 AM Following the completion of their IB CAS projects, our Upper Sixth pupils have reflected on their ‘Creativity, Activity’ Service’ journey. “I would certainly say that doing CAS has helped me to grow … 0 2023 14/04/2023
Tweet 12/04/2023 05:11 PM A working brunch whilst our boarders are revising for their IB exams. #BromsGuardianAngels #BromsBoarding #BromsIB #ILoveBoarding #BromsSixthForm 0 2023 12/04/2023
Tweet 12/04/2023 03:39 PM During the last week of the Lent Term, our talented IB2 artists put together an exhibition in the magnificent setting of the Old Chapel. Congratulations to everyone involved. #BromsArt #BromsIB #Brom… 0 2023 12/04/2023
Tweet 07/04/2023 10:14 AM Following the completion of their IB CAS projects, our Upper Sixth pupils have reflected on their ‘Creativity, Activity’ Service’ journey. “I gained new skills and I now have a range of new hobbies, … 0 2023 07/04/2023
Tweet 06/04/2023 11:17 AM We have created some snapshots of IB pupils who have shared their CAS Projects with us. Today, Alice (IB2) discusses her project. My CAS Project: I have been helping the Years 3 and 4 pupils with the… 0 2023 06/04/2023
Tweet 29/03/2023 01:57 PM IB2 pupils celebrated the completion of the CAS element of the IB Diploma programme. Dr West led the presentation by reflecting on their experiences, concluding that the students have completed an as… 0 2023 29/03/2023
Tweet 02/03/2023 11:02 AM We are delighted to have been certified as a Top IB School by Education Advisers, reaching no. 11 in the 'large cohort' list for 2022. #BromsIB #TopIBSchool #InternationalBaccalaureate #IBAward #Brom… 0 2023 02/03/2023
Tweet 23/02/2023 08:13 AM Today, Rita discusses her CAS project. Name: Rita S Year Group: IB2 My CAS Project: This week during athletics, I practiced long and triple jump, focusing specifically on my technique. #BromsIB #Brom… 0 2023 23/02/2023
Tweet 22/02/2023 08:13 AM Today, Naomi discusses her CAS project. Name: Naomi N Year Group: IB2 My CAS Project: Since the Michaelmas Term, I have participated in the Chadsgrove Outreach programme. We design and carry out scie… 0 2023 22/02/2023