Tweet 07/08/2020 10:12 AM #FlashbackFriday: A familiar sight for pupils in the 1970s and beyond - the Sports Hall set up as an exam room (photograph from the Bromsgrovian 1978). #BromsArchives #SchoolHistory #Exams #SchoolArc… 0 2020 07/08/2020
Tweet 13/05/2015 08:09 AM #Exams continue today around School - wishing the best of luck to all of our pupils #ThinkPositive 0 2015 13/05/2015
Tweet 12/05/2015 12:17 PM Great advice for our students currently taking their #exams at #BromsgroveSchool @BBCFood #Alevel #GCSE #IB #BSExams 0 2015 12/05/2015
Tweet 12/05/2015 12:15 PM RT @BBCFood: What can improve your exam grades by as much as 5%? #exams #BBCDishUp #GCSEs 0 2015 12/05/2015
Tweet 12/05/2015 07:45 AM Good luck to the #IB pupils continuing with #exams this week and to others who are just beginning theirs. #Alevel #GCSE #Exams2015 0 2015 12/05/2015