Tweet 05/02/2016 08:21 AM Best wishes to the pupils attending #BromsgroveSchool today for the 13+ #Academic Scholarship Interviews. 0 2016 05/02/2016
Tweet 02/02/2016 10:33 AM We are pleased to welcome candidates for the 16+ #Academic Scholarship Exams and Interviews with the Headmaster today. 0 2016 02/02/2016
Tweet 28/01/2016 09:36 AM Best wishes to the candidates with us today for the 13+ #Academic Scholarship Interviews. 0 2016 28/01/2016
Tweet 26/01/2016 09:53 AM Best wishes to all candidates for the 16+ #Academic Scholarship Examinations and Interviews with us at #BromsgroveSchool today. 0 2016 26/01/2016
Tweet 25/09/2015 01:21 PM Congratulations to all of our pupils who have been awarded #Academic Scholarships this year. 0 2015 25/09/2015