Tweet 01/05/2019 09:50 AM RT @TheBromsgrove: Great to see one of our past Adjudicators and friend of #BIMC, Roderick Williams @Sviceridor featured in the @birmingham… 0 2019 01/05/2019
Tweet 05/02/2019 08:20 AM RT @TheBromsgrove: STOP PRESS! Tickets now available for the 2019 #YoungMusicians Platform and #BIMC Final. Platform Final - 23 Feb at 3pm… 0 2019 05/02/2019
Tweet 15/08/2017 09:58 AM RT @TheBromsgrove: Planning for #BIMC and #BYMP Young Musicians' Platform in 2018 has begun. #SeeYouThere #CallingAllMusicians https://t.… 0 2017 15/08/2017
Tweet 02/06/2017 12:43 PM RT @TheBromsgrove: On this day... Edward Elgar was born (1857) in Lower Broadheath, Worcestershire. #BIMC 0 2017 02/06/2017