Tweet 22/09/2019 02:19 AM After a brilliant first day at the Academic Asia Top Schools 2019 event yesterday, Miss Scannell is looking forward to meeting more prospective families today. #TopSchools #AcademicAsia #BromsgroveSc… 0 2019 22/09/2019
Tweet 19/09/2019 08:11 AM Miss Scannell is very much looking forward to meeting prospective families at the Academic Asia Top Schools event in Hong Kong this weekend (21-23 September 2019). To register your attendance, please… 0 2019 19/09/2019
Tweet 01/08/2018 02:24 PM RT @OldBromsgrovian: UPCOMING EVENT: Drinks reception for our #HongKong based families and friends of #BromsgroveSchool on 19 September.… 0 2018 01/08/2018
Tweet 17/08/2016 08:55 AM All of our #HongKong based families and #OldBromsgrovians are invited to a Reception on 19th September. MORE: 0 2016 17/08/2016
Tweet 28/04/2015 04:16 PM Fantastic @LeanneBKK! Which #OldBromsgrovians have you met up with? #Reunion #HongKong… 0 2015 28/04/2015